Once you have connected an Eclipse project to source control, you can add new files to source control at any time.
If you are using Dimensions streams, use the synchronization feature to add new files to source control.
To add new files to an Eclipse project that is already under source control:
In Eclipse, right-click the files and select Team | Add to Dimensions.
The Deliver Changes dialog box appears with a list of selected files to be added.
On the Deliver Changes panel, do any of the following and click Next:
Select or deselect which files to add to source control.
Enter a description of the files on the Comment tab.
Select from the available options on the Options tab:
Set Checkout posted changes to Yes to check out the files that you are checking in.
Set Make files read-only to Yes to make the local copies of the files read-only after check-in is complete.
Set Overwrite conflicting changes to Yes to overwrite any conflicting changes in the repository with local content. If you set the option to No, the checkin will fail if there are any conflicts, and you will be prompted to merge the files using the synchronize view.
If you are prompted to relate requests to the files, select the requests from the My Inbox or My Working List tab and click Next.
On the Relate Requests panel, select the Dimensions CM requests to relate to the item during the add operation. The items are grouped by type, allowing you to easily relate requests to multiple items with similar types.
By default, only those requests that can be used are displayed. If you choose the Show All option, the unavailable requests appear in italics and the Details column provides information on why they cannot be used.
On the Item Attributes panel, set the Dimensions CM attributes for the items that you are adding to control.
Click Finish.
On successful completion, a gold cylinder () is added to the icon of each item to indicate that the item is under source control.