Deliver local work to Dimensions when you have completed work and need to add new and updated files to Dimensions. Ideally, no conflicts result because you are the only person working on the files that you have changed.
To deliver local work to Dimensions CM:
Select the project in the Solution Explorer.
Click the Deliver button, or select File | Source Control | Deliver. The Deliver wizard appears.
Complete the following on the first page of the Deliver wizard:
Click the Next button. One of the following occurs:
If no conflicts occur, the next window displays the differences between your local work area and the repository. Continue to the next step.
If conflicts are found, then the delivery is stopped and you are notified that you must perform an update and resolve conflicts before proceeding with a delivery.
Expand the folder tree as needed, or use the navigation buttons, to review the differences and conflicts:
Previous Difference: To ascend the file tree to the previous difference.
Next Difference: To descend the file tree to the next difference.
If necessary, change any of the following default options on the Defaults tab. These settings apply to all applicable files included in the delivery unless overridden for specific files:
Comment for check-in: Description of any changes you are checking in.
Relate to request: A request ID to relate to the changes you are checking in.
Design part for new files: Browse to choose a design part for any new files you are uploading. If the solution is under source control, this is determined based on the design part to which the solution was added.
Permissions after Deliver: Choose whether to make files that you are checking in or adding to Dimensions read-only, or left as they currently are.
To set any of the above options to a unique value for specific files, select a file and click the Options tab. Here, you can override the setting with unique values.
Click Next to display a delivery summary, then start the delivery.