To open and edit a request:
Open the Serena Explorer.
Double-click the Requests node. The Requests view appears.
Double-click a request in the list, or right-click a request and select Browse.
The following information is displayed:
General tab:
• ID: The unique identifier of the request.
• Title: The title of the request. Edit the title as needed.
• State: The present state of the request.
• Phase: The present phase of the request.
• Originated by: The user name of the person who created the request.
• Description: Text describing the request. Edit the description as needed.
Attributes tab: Lists the attributes and values for the request. Update the attributes as needed.
Comments tab: Lists the comments associated with the request. To add a new comment, enter the comment in the New comment field and click Save.
History tab: Lists the actions that have been applied to the request.
Attachments tab: Lists the files that are attached to the request, including filename, description, and size. You can modify attachments from here.
Delegates tab: Lists the users who are assigned to the request and those who could be assigned to the request in various roles and capabilities. You can modify delegations from here.
Users and Roles tab: Lists the users who have the request in their inbox, and lists the users with roles assigned to them for the request, including the role, capability, and role type.
Privileges tab: Lists the privileges of each user relative to the request, including any rules that have been applied.
Related: lists the items related to the request. You can manage item relationships from here.
Template View tab: Displays all the information in the request as formatted by the template.