Key Benefits of Serena Release Automation, Powered by Nolio
Serena® Release Automation, Powered by Nolio, automates application installation and configuration tasks. Key benefits include the following:
- Handles a high volume of tasks
- Cuts deployment time and cost
- Reduces deployment errors
- Handles the complexity of multiple release destinations and configurations
For detailed information on feature enhancements, see the Serena Release Automation (Nolio) 4.1 Release Notes posted on the the Serena Customer Support website My Downloads page.
The following platforms are supported by this release:
- Windows 2003 R2 and higher
- Linux RH Enterprise Linux 5.2, Fedora, SUSE, CentOS, Ubuntu and Oracle Enterprise Linux.
On Linux: Kernel 2.6 and higher is required.
- Solaris 10 SPARC
- Solaris 10 x86
For more information, see the Serena Release Plan for Serena Release Automation, Powered by Nolio on the Serena Customer Support website on the product roadmap under Supported Platforms.
To get to this information from the Serena Support website main roadmap page, select Release Automation (Powered By Nolio) and then select your version.
You should plan your installation and configuration according to the detailed documentation provided with the product.
On Windows platforms, you must have Administrator privileges to install Serena Release Automation, Powered by Nolio.
To install Serena Release Automation, Powered by Nolio:
- Extract the archive for your platform into a suitable location.
Please ensure that the file structure created matches the file structure for your platform as follows:
- Windows
- Linux
- Solaris 10 SPARC
- Solaris 10 x86
- On UNIX platforms, ensure that the .bin file has execute permission for the current user.
- Execute the .exe or .bin appropriate for your system; a graphical user interface is launched to lead you through the installation process.
- Windows
- Linux
- Solaris 10 SPARC
- Solaris 10 x86
See "Updating Serena Release Automation License" in Serena Release Automation (Nolio) Installation and Administration Guide.
System Requirements
The system requirements for successful installation and execution of Serena Release Automation, Powered by Nolio, depend on your organization's usage requirements.
For more details, see the Serena Release Automation (Nolio) Installation and Administration Guide.
Minimum system requirements are as follows:
- Data Management - At least 1 GB RAM
- Execution Server - At least 512MB RAM
Available Disk Space:
- Data Management - At least 1 GB
- Execution Server - At least 300MB
- MySQL 5.1.30 or higher with InnoDB storage engine enabled.
- Oracle 10g or higher
- MS SQL Server 2005 or higher with either Windows or SQL Authentication
ASAP customers running the 3.3 release and higher can perform a direct upgrade to 4.1 using an easy to use upgrade installer. Upgrade must include all Nolio components (Datamanagement, Execution Servers and Nolio Agents).
For detailed instructions, see the Serena Release Automation (Nolio) 4.1 Release Notes posted on the the Serena Customer Support website My Downloads page.
Solutions are available for known issues in the Serena Customer Support Knowledgebase. These solutions provide details about the issue and list associated fixes as they become available. Generally available fixes can be downloaded from the solution page online.
Issues known to exist are as follows:
- You cannot run the Serena Release Automation, Powered by Nolio, installer in silent mode.
- The installer cannot connect to a pre-existing database name in Oracle (DEF217099).
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