This document contains important information about the 4.0.1 release of Serena Development Manager.
Serena® Development Manager is a solution that integrates development project management, change request and task management, version control, and baseline management features, with the option of a rich dashboard reporting component. It enables you to orchestrate and monitor your key software development efforts, tracking source code changes and approvals through a central workflow engine.
There is now an Agile Planning feature available for Development Manager. This is an optional feature and is selectable via the Serena ALM installer. With this release the following features are available:
In the default out-of-the-box configuration, a story is tracked using a dev change request, and a task is tracked using a dev task. These will follow the existing lifecycles for those items in Development Manager.
Development Manager provides configurable products and components. Optionally, these products and components can be linked to products and design parts in Dimensions CM.
There is now the ability to manage products and components in order to represent a hierarchy of the software components that make up a product. There is also the ability to re-use components across products. You can associate dev change requests and dev tasks to specified components to indicate that related changes should only affect those components. ALM Projects can also be linked to specified components. If you have linked components to Dimensions CM, the relationships of the associated requests to the corresponding design parts will also be maintained.
For details of supported versions of the products in the Serena Development Manager suite, supported platforms, and third party integrations, see the Serena Release Plan on the Serena Customer Support website on the product roadmap under Supported Platforms.
To get to this information from the Serena Support website main roadmap page, select Development Manager and then select your version.
Important: This release requires SSO to be enabled.
This section contains information and issues that require your attention in order to install and configure Serena Development Manager successfully.
You must install several components to use Serena Development Manager:
In addition, you require one or more of the following:
For information about installing and configuring these components, please refer to the Serena ALM Installation and Configuration Guide.
This release ships with a new version of the common tools installer. This common tools version is not backwards compatible with releases of Dimensions CM prior to 12.2.2. If your configuration uses a version of Dimensions CM prior to 12.2.2 that will be co-located with the Serena ALM installation, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade it before running the installer for this release of Serenea ALM.
The Serena ALM 4.0.1 installer will upgrade the Serena Common Tomcat Web server if the older version is detected. This upgrade moves the pre-existing Tomcat files into a backup location, tomcat6_pre4.0.1, and then installs the new common tools.
For further details, see the Serena ALM Installation and Configuration Guide.
IMPORTANT! If upgrading from ALM 4.0 to ALM 4.0.1.
Modify the registry before running the installer. If the following registry hive is missing:
and the following hive exists:
Use export & import to "copy" the hive from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0:
Replace all “12.1.0” entries with “12.2.0” and save the changes.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"INSTALL_JavaHome"="C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\Solutions\\..\\..\\Common\\\\jre\\6.0"
"INSTALL_TomCatDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\Solutions\\..\\..\\Common\\\\tomcat\\6.0"
Import this edited REG file into the Windows Registry.
This will result in an additional hive with “12.2.0”.
Development Manager requires MSI 4.5. If MSI 4.5 is not already installed, the Development Control installer will install it. However the system must then be restarted before continuing with the Development Control installer.
When running the Serena ALM installer on a 64-bit server with the QC Connector option selected, the installation will fail if the QC OTA Client is not installed.
You will need to install this in order to Install DVM. For details see the Serena Business Manager Connector for HP Quality Center Installation and Configuration Guide
When installing Serena ALM via Remote Desktop access to a Windows 2003 system, installation may fail if you include the Connector to Quality Center option. To avoid this issue, run Remote Desktop in Console or Administration mode by running one of the following commands:
mstsc /admin
mstsc /console
It is advisable to only select the option Configurator SSO Support and configure the SSO details on the first occasion that you run the ALM Suite Installer. When you run the installer on subsequent occasions, you should deselect this option. If you configure these details more than once, SSO may not function correctly.
Also you should not use localhost for the server name, but specify the name of the actual server.
If when attempting to log on to the Serena ALM Configurator, you receive the error:
ALF SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token.
Validation of WS-Federation token failed with code 40:Token issuer not allowed.
You will need to update your SSO STS certificates by carrying out the following steps.
On the server where SBM is installed:
If you are using SBM 10.1 to
file (for example to C:\Temp\sts.pem
) If you are using SBM
file (for example to C:\Temp\sts.pem
) On each machine where the Serena Common Tomcat is installed:
C:\Program Files\Serena\Common Tools\tomcat\6.0\...
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0\...
C:\Program Files\Serena\Dimensions 12.2\Common Tools\tomcat\6.0 ...
Navigate to
and make a backup of thetruststore.jks
keytool -delete -keystore "C:\Program Files\Serena\Common Tools\tomcat\6.0\alfssogatekeeper\conf\truststore.jks" -alias sts
Enter the default password changeit when prompted.
file into truststore.jks, for example by using the following command:
keytool -import -keystore "C:\Program Files\Serena\Common Tools\tomcat\6.0\alfssogatekeeper\conf\truststore.jks" -file "C:\temp\sts.pem" -alias sts
If this is the Dimensions CM Server, also do the following:
C:\Program Files\Serena\Dimensions 12.2\CM\dfs\sts.pem
C:\Program Files\Serena\Dimensions 12.2\CM\dfs\sts.pem
A problem may occur when you are running the ALM Suite installer to upgrade to ALM 4.0.1.
Errors appear during installation, such as:
Failed to access file: C:\Program Files\Serena\Dimensions 12.2\Common Tools\tomcat\6.0\conf\web.xml to configure sso
Service Serena Common Tomcat (SerenaTomcat) failed to start
and the new Serena Common Tools are not installed.
To remedy this situation, the following files should be removed from the Serena Common Tools installation location.
Stop the Serena Common Tools service before deleting these files:
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssocommon-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssocommon-wsmodel-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssocommon-wstrust-client-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssogatekeeper-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssojnibridge-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\lib\alfssogatekeeper-filterloader-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\lib\commons-logging-api.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0.pre4.0.1\lib\log4j.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0\webapps\SSOTokenGenerator\WEB-INF\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssocommon-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0\ webapps\SSOTokenGenerator\WEB-INF\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssocommon-wsmodel-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0\ webapps\SSOTokenGenerator\WEB-INF\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssocommon-wstrust-client-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0\ webapps\SSOTokenGenerator\WEB-INF\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssogatekeeper-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
C:\Program Files\Common\tomcat\6.0\ webapps\SSOTokenGenerator\WEB-INF\alfssogatekeeper\lib\alfssojnibridge-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
Some reports for release 4.0.1, that have been updated from the previous 4.0 release, do not override the previous versions that are referenced in the process apps after performing an upgrade. These are:
Process Application | Report Name | Reference Name |
Dev Change Request | CR(s) associated to this Dev Package | CR4DP |
Dev Change Request | CR(s) associated to this Project | CR4Proj |
Development Package | Dev Package(s) associated with this Project | DP4Proj |
Dev Tasks | Task(s) associated with this CR | Task4CR |
Dev Tasks | CM Task(s) associated with this Dev Package | Task4DP |
To resolve this issue, perform one of the following actions:
If you have a project that has both Dimensions CM and ZMF selected as providers, there is a problem whereby ZMF dev tasks are displayed on the Associated Tasks tab of the Dev Package view if you have upgraded from a previous version of Development Manager.
The solution to this problem is to delete the report "Task(s) associated to this dev package" from the Dev Tasks application before promoting the Release 4.0.1 process apps.
There is a problem where, after upgrading to DVM 4.0.1 from a previous version, the Create Dev CR button does not appear on the Change Requests tab for an ALM project. This can be remedied by using the following steps:
On promoting the Dev Change Requests snapshot after upgrading to DVM 4.0.1 from a previous version, the promotion may fail with the following error appearing in the log file:
Import: Incoming project already exists at this level. Name: 'Dev Change Requests Project',
Existing UUID: '60b85e4d-b11a-47c8-9f2c-66674945a733
The solution is to select None for Projects on the Entities page of the Promote wizard.
When performing an upgrade to Development Manager 4.0.1, promoting snapshots may fail with an error in the log file such as:
ERROR -- Cannot deploy BPEL definition for process model alf/9c629f6d-0686-41d5-a41a-1c079ba973fa/ - 500: could not execute query. ORA-00923:
FROM keyword not found where expected. Failed to complete the deployment to server "Default BPEL Server" at 4/23/12 12:18 PM.
The following steps should resolve the problem:
If you are using SBM 10.1:
Make sure that the file:
C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Common\jboss405\server\default\log\sbm_oe_health.log
Does not contain any errors
If you are using SBM 10.1.1.x:
If upgrading an installation and deselecting an option that was previously installed, the installer fails.
You will need to run the installer without deselecting a component that is already installed.
If you have updated your version of SBM since the last time you installed the Serena Connector for Quality Center, you must uninstall the existing version of the QC Connector before running the installer for Serena ALM 4.0.1.
This is because the QC Connector is installed against a specific version of SBM. If the SBM version entered during the install of the QC Connector as part of ALM 4.0.1 does not match that entered during the original installation of the QC Connector, the upgrade does not take place.
A problem occurs when a story is blocked in a backlog and then subsequently moved to another backlog. When attempting to unblock the story in the new backlog, an error occurs “Server Error“.
There is a problem where, under certain conditions, clicking the Show Burndown or Hide Burndown link on a Release or Sprint backliog page may cause Firefox browser to crash under certain circumstances. The solution is to avoid clicking this link or to use a different browser.
On the taskboard for a sprint, the add button for adding a task is only shown for the last story in the list. You can, however, add a task by selecting the story, selecting the Tasks tab and clicking the New Task button.
On the Tasks tab for the Tasks application there is a drop-down list that enables you to select a sprint that you can display using the Open Taskboard link. If you have only created one sprint in the Agile workspace, the dropdown list is blank. Once you have created more than one sprint, the drop down list will correctly display the list of sprints.
When Editing an ALM project, you may encounter a problem where the Affected Components list contains the error ! Load error! (error)
. This is due to the fact that the Project Manager editing an ALM Project needs to have User role access to the Dev Change Requests and Dev Tasks projects. This can be remedied by granting them the User role in those projects via the SBM Administrator.
There is a problem when using MSSQL on an SBM Server where an automatic transition to Development Complete is not occurring for dev change requests when the child dev tasks are all complete.
To remedy this, it is necessary to perform an update on the MSSQL SBM sample database:
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name= '<SBM_DATABASE_NAME>' both values eq 0
Where <SBM_DATABASE_NAME> is the name of the SBM database
DB_NAME(dbid) as DBName,
COUNT(dbid) as NumberOfConnections,
loginame as LoginName
FROM sys.sysprocesses
WHERE dbid > 0 and DB_NAME(dbid) not in ( 'master', 'tempdb') GROUP BY dbid, loginame #
If there are any connections, close them:
USE master
SELECT snapshot_isolation_state,
FROM sys.databases
Where <SBM_DATABASE_NAME> is the name of the SBM database
If you encounter a problem where a request has been actioned in Dimensions CM but the corresponding dev task in SBM has not been transitioned, it is likely that the user involved needs to be assigned the role DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER with Capability SECONDARY.
To do this:
If you have an ALM Project with a child dev change request, and you click the Edit button, a web service error may occur.
This can be remedied by creating a child dev task for the related dev change request and then performing the edit.
There is a problem when creating a dev task having previously selected the Create a new ChangeMan ZMF package for this task checkbox, and Set From Install Date/Time to the current date. If you subsequently uncheck the Create a new ChangeMan ZMF package for this task checkbox, select an existing ZMF change package, and click OK, you will receive an error.
One or more fields are invalid.
From Install Time must be in the future!
To remedy this, after clicking on Attach ZMF package,
If you experience a problem where the message Please Contact Your Administrator keeps appearing on various forms, it is likely that a report that is being used in an embedded report widget is missing. This will cause the error to appear, and not cleared for a period of time, thus appearing on other pages. The solution is to make sure all reports exist and that the widgets are properly calling them.
To check that the reports are set up correctly:
For details of how to create a missing report with the correct reference name, see the corresponding section in the Troubleshooting section in Chapter 3 of the Development Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
In the
file, it is possible to change the following variables from the default values of Y to the following:
If you have done this, it becomes possible to relate the same ZMF Change Package to more than one Dev Task, as no error message is displayed when this happens. The intended behavior for the out-of-the-box workflows is that there is a one-to-one relationship between a ZMF ChangePackage and a Dev Task in Development Manager.
When clicking the URL link to a baseline from the Baselines tab of a selected dev package, an error may occur stating There were one or more problems with the requested link and the baseline is not displayed. This problem is caused by duplicate entries in the gatekeeper-core-config.xml
that occur when selecting the option to configure SSO support on multiple upgrades/installations.
To remedy the problem:
in the Serena Common Tomcat installation, for example:
C:\Program Files\Serena\Dimensions 12.2\Common Tools\tomcat\6.0\alfssogatekeeper\conf\gatekeeper-core-config.xml
In this file there should be entries for three types of parameter: SecurityTokenService, SecurityTokenServiceExternal, and FederationServerURL,
for example:
<parameter name="SecurityTokenService" Type="xsd:anyURI">http://sbmservername:8085/TokenService/services/Trust</parameter>
<parameter name="SecurityTokenServiceExternal" Type="xsd:anyURI">http://sbmservername:8085/TokenService/services/Trust</parameter>
<parameter name="FederationServerURL" Type="xsd:anyURI">http://sbmservername:8085/ALFSSOLogin/login</parameter>
When using SBM 10.1.x, the Admin user for the SBM sample database does not have access to any groups in the Web Administrator. The solution to this is to create a user with Remote Administration privileges, and use this user to grant the privileges for the groups for the Admin user.
When actioning a task request from Peer Review to Complete in Dimensions CM, and delegating the Development Engineer role (for example to user Amy) the corresponding task in SBM is not transitioned to Complete in SBM. To remedy this, the transition in the TASK lifecycle in Dimensions CM needs to have DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER assigned as a Pending role.
For more details, see the Troubleshooting Chapter in the Development Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
During the promotion of the Dev Change Requests snapshot, the destination endpoint for DVMUtilServices is set to DevManagerServices instead of DVMUtilServices. This appears on the Mapping page during promotion. To remedy this, select the endpoint, click Choose Destination Endpoint, and select the endpoint DVMUtilServices.
If you receive an error in SBM Composer when deploying a process app:
Unexpected exception during DefinitionUtilities.ExportDefinition
It is likely that the process app contains references to another process app that needs to be deployed before it.
The process apps need to be deployed in the order below:
There is a problem whereby when you are promoting the Serena ALM snapshots, some of the endpoints are not set up correctly. This means that the default endpoint is not automatically selected when you promote the process apps, and the server name is not set correctly. These endpoints are:
To remedy this:
When promoting each process app:
On the Current Mappings page, if the field under the Destination column is not set to an endpoint:
If the Destination Endpoint has not yet been defined for the selected Source, click Create a new endpoint. You will need to do this for RLMUtilService and ReleaseRequestService.
To create and select an endpoint:
http://localhost:<tomcat port>/alm/services/<service name>
where <tomcat port> is the port under which you are running the Serena Common Tomcat Web server. This specifies the path to the Web services, which are deployed under the
directory of the common Tomcat Web server.Example endpoints with the default port number are:
When updating the endpoints (For details, see "Updating the Endpoints" in the Development Manger Installation and Configuration Guide)
From SBM Application Administrator:
If it is not:
Deploy the relevant process apps after updating the endpoints.
When Deploying the process apps you may receive an error because some rules with sub-relational field dependencies are not set. There are four rules for which this may occur.
To remedy the problem, you will need to set the undefined rules to the correct value.
The rules that may need to be set are:
Parent CR Dev Complete = No
Configuration Management System(s) contains any ChangeMan ZMF
Configuration Management System(s) does not contain any Dimensions CM
Configuration Management System(s) contains any Dimensions CM
Configuration Management System(s) does not contain any ChangeMan ZMF
Configuration Management System(s) contains any (none)
Configuration Management System(s) does not contain all ChangeMan ZMF, Dimensions CM
Continue deploying the process apps after making these changes.
When promoting the process apps, you may see "Unable to create field" warning messages in the promote log.
For example:
WARN -- Unable to create field 'alm_Originating Baseline' in table 'Dev Packages' because relational table 'Related Vault Baselines' is not defined.
WARN -- Unable to create field 'Vault Template' in table 'Dev Packages' because relational table 'Vault_Request' is not defined.
Such messages will not affect the success of the promotions or the functioning of Development Manager, and can be ignored.
If you are upgrading a previous installation of DVM, you may receive an error in SBM Application Administrator when promoting the Global Process App (eval) process app.
This problem can be overcome by setting the following values on the Global Entities page of the Promote Wizard.
When upgrading an existing installation of DVM, you may find that some groups and users are unassigned from projects after promoting snapshots.
This problem can be overcome by setting the following values on the Global Entities page of the Promote Wizard
If you are using MSSQL, the user groups are not present for the sample data. In this case you will need to assign the necessary roles for the users to enable them to use the applications using SBM Administrator. For details, see "Creating and Assigning the Users" in the Development Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
When you have redeployed the process apps, for example after updating the application links in the Event Mappings as described in the post-installation steps, you may find that duplicate endpoints have been created, such as:
This results in an error in SBM Composer such as:
The Orchestration Engine cannot send the Web service request at service step CM_Create_Standard_Baseline to the endpoint ...
The solution is to use SBM Application Administrator to perform the deployments.
in a browser). You may experience a problem whereby having installed the ALM Suites and performed the action File | Put Files into Database using SBM System Administrator, and then made changes to the shell files and performed Put Files into Database again, that old versions of the files are still present in SBM. This means that you will need to replace the files again and repeat the Put Files into Database action.
This problem can be avoided by performing File | Get Files From Database in SBM System Administrator before running the ALM Suite installer.
If a process is attempting to create an item, and there is an error, for example "[ERROR] Access Denied,"
in the log, and the item is not created, then it is likely that you do not have access privileges for the connector user.
Check whether:
If this does not work, check whether you are using the connector account (for example dmsys). You should not be using the connector account to create items in SBM, it is reserved for connecting only.
If when trying to create a baseline from a dev package, no baseline gets created in Dimensions CM, and the following appears in the Windows Event Viewer:
Error occurred in file: '.\WSInvoker.cpp', line 1287. Error mapping data with field 'Baseline Build Configuration'
you can resolve the event viewer error by unlocking the event definition. Do the following:
You need to recreate ChangeTaskworkflowEventDefinition:
In this case, you need to recreate DevelopmentControlChangeRequestWorkflowEventDefinition.
For further details, see the Troubleshooting section in Chapter 3 of the Development Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
You need to recreate DVMBaselineEventDefinition.
For further details, see the Troubleshooting section in Chapter 3 of the Development Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
When running the 64-bit installer with QC integration selected, the installation window is minimized.