You can display file attributes, history, and relationships information.
To view source control information:
Right-click a file and select Item Properties.
A detailed item properties view appears. From here you can review a number of tabs and update many item properties. The tabs include:
General. This tab displays the item name, ID, state, phase, revision and description. These properties are not writable.
Attributes. From here you can view and modify values for attributes assigned to items.
History. This tab displays the revision history.
Delegates. From here you can see any users to whom the file has been delegated, and in turn delegate it. To delegate a file, select the role to whom the users belong from the Role to delegate list, select the users from the Available Users list, and click Assign to move those users to the Assigned users list. You can also swap users by selecting users from each list and clicking the Replace button. For more on delegation, see the Dimensions User’s Guide.
Users and Roles. From this tab you can see all users and roles who are assigned to work on the item.
Privileges. On this tab, you can see all privileges that you (and others) have been assigned for this item. This can be useful if you are unable to complete an action and you suspect that your Dimensions privileges may need to be expanded.
Related. Here you can see all related objects, including requests, projects, and other items. You can add new relationships and remove existing relationships.