The SBM Connector Web Services can return the name of the user who last modified an item in Quality Center. This is useful to prevent continuous update loops. However, Quality Center does not store the last modifier information as a data field for entities. Therefore, to retrieve the last modifier’s user name, the Web services query an item’s history. Quality Center only stores history for an item when a field that is set to track history is updated. To ensure that Quality Center returns the last modifier when queried by the Web serivces, set the Modified system field to record history. Serena recommends enabling history for all fields that are replicated using the Web services. This ensures that the identity of the last modifier is always stored for every change.
To enable history tracking on the Modified field for all types of items:
Log into Quality Center as the administrator and select Tools | Customize.
From the Project Customization view, select Project Entities.
Expand the type of item for which you will enable history tracking, and then expand the System Fields folder under this.
Select the Modified field, and then click the History check-box.
Click Save.
Repeat these steps for all types of items that are synchronized between Quality Center and SBM.