Project Phase
Project Approval
Matt (Business Analyst) asks Mira (Project Manager) to create a new project for the next release of the customer billing system. Mira creates the project in the ALM Projects process app in SBM. This project will be used to coordinate development activities.
ALM Projects
Matt is notified that the project has been created, and uses his requirements management tool to define detailed requirements. He adds requirement links to the project.
External requirements management tool
The management team (Mira, Matt, Kaci, Josh, Dinesh, Amy, and Dave) reviews the requirements and works through any open questions. When the requirements are approved, they promote the project to the next phase, Analysis and Definition.
ALM Projects
Analysis and Definition
Kaci (Product Owner) reviews the detailed requirements and creates software change requests for each of them. Her goal is to break the requirements into small, clearly defined units of work.
ALM Projects
The management team reviews the requirements, stories, and testing requirements. When the requirements and change requests are approved, they promote the project to the next state, Develop and Test.
ALM Projects
Develop and Test
Josh (Development Manager) reviews the requests and works with Kaci to prioritize the work. Josh also creates the development streams in Dimensions CM where the source code will be managed.
ALM Projects
Josh, Kaci, Emma (Software Engineer), and Ashley (QA Engineer) break the requests into development tasks. As they are created, the tasks are synchronized to Dimensions CM requests. Once the requests and tasks are ready to work on, Josh moves them into development. Ashley and Emma can now begin work.
ALM Projects
Emma develops and tests code changes for each of her tasks. She works with the tasks in Dimensions CM via the Dimensions CM integration to Microsoft Visual Studio. She stores new versions of source files in Dimensions CM. Meanwhile, Ashley defines test cases that can be used to test each story as it is completed.
Dimensions CM
Alexander (Build Engineer) manages nightly builds and daily installation on the QA test environments.
External build tool
When she completes all of the tasks for a change request, Emma assigns that request to Ashley for testing.
Dimensions CM
Ashley runs the test cases for the request that Emma finished coding. Ashley uses the installation that Alexander runs from the nightly build. Ashley returns any request that fails testing back to Emma to fix.
HP Quality Center / ALM
Once she has finished testing a request, Ashley marks it as complete. This delegates the request back to Josh.
HP Quality Center / ALM
Josh and Kaci continually review the list of requests in progress, and move work out of the project as needed based on remaining time and business priorities.
ALM Projects
Once the requests have all been developed and tested, the management team reviews the requirements, requests, and test results. When they approve the completed work, they move the project to the next phase, Product Test.
ALM Projects
Product Test
Amy and Josh create a package in the Dev Packages process app, and then relate that package to a baseline in Dimensions CM. The baseline assembles all of the source code changes associated with completed requests. Amy delegates the package to Alexander who then builds the source associated with the Dimensions CM baseline. He collects the build outputs back into Dimensions CM, and deploys them to the QA testing environments.
ALM Dev Packages, Dimensions CM
Josh assigns the turnover package to Dinesh (QA Manager) to coordinate testing.
ALM Projects
Dinesh prioritizes testing requirements for the project.
HP Quality Center / ALM
Ashley runs test cases against the QA environments and raises defects as she finds issues.
HP Quality Center / ALM
The change review board determines which defects need to be fixed. Defects that need to be fixed are delegated to Emma. Deferred defects are are moved out of the project to be fixed at a later date.
ALM Projects
As Emma fixes defects, new packages that include the fixes are forwarded to QA. Ashley re-tests the defects.
HP Quality Center / ALM
Once all of the requirements and defects have been tested, the management team reviews the requirements, stories, package(s), and test results. Once they approve the completed work, they promote the project to the next phase, Ready for Release.
ALM Projects
Ready for Release
Using Serena Release Manager, Dave (Release Manager) integrates the packages into the release cycle. He works with Oscar (Release Engineer) to get the package delivered to the appropriate pre-release areas for testing.
Dev Packages
Dinesh coordinates the pre-release testing and Ashley raises defects as necessary.
HP Quality Center / ALM
Once the packages have been successfully tested, the management team does a final review of the requirements, completed requests, packages, and test results. Once they approve the release, they promote the project to the next phase, Release.
ALM Projects
Using Serena Release Manager, Dave works with Oscar to deliver the package to the appropriate release areas.
Release Control
Once the packages have been successfully released and the management team approves the final release, they close the project.
ALM Projects