Item Views

Use the Investment Views tab to add views to the Projects module. New work item views can be associated with existing work item types from the Investment Types tab in the Types Setup tab.

Adding a work item view

Add a new work item view. Once added, work item views will be available when you set views using the Investment Types tab in the Types Setup tab.

To add a work item view
  1. From the application toolbar, click Setup, and then select Customization.
  2. Select the View Management tab.
  3. Select the Investment Views tab.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a name, a description, and choose an icon.
  6. Click Save.

Adding a summary view

Use custom summary views to capture additional work item data in the Projects module.

To add a summary view
  1. From the application toolbar, click Setup, and then select Customization.
  2. Select the View Management tab.
  3. Select the Investment Views tab.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a name, a description, and choose an icon.
  6. Click Save.

Deleting a work item view

If you don't need a work item view, you can delete it.

To delete a work item view
  1. From the application toolbar, click Setup, and then select Customization.
  2. Select the View Management tab.
  3. Select the Investment Views tab.
  4. Under Investment Views, select a view and click Delete. You cannot delete a system view.