Single Object Chart

A Single Object Chart is used to show values in a summary view as a chart. The Single Object Chart must be configured using the BrandXML, ConfigureXML, Data Processor, and Data Processor Assembly properties.


The Single Object Chart widget has the following properties:

Properties Description

The BrandXML property is used to control the visual display and color scheme of a chart.


The ConfigureXML property is used to control the data displayed on the single object chart.


The DataProcessor property is used to specify the code that generates a chart. Effectively, this determines the type of chart.


The DataProcessorAssembly property is used to specify the location of a custom chart data processor.


The Height property is used to specify the height (in pixels) of an attribute, control, or widget.


Read only. The ID property is used to show the unique ID of the design control.


The Left property is used to set the number of pixels from the left side of a page that an attribute, control, or widget is positioned. Use this property to align the attributes, controls, and widgets on a page.


The Top property is used to set the number of pixels from the top of a page that an attribute, control, or widget is positioned. Use this property to align the attributes, controls, and widgets on a page.


Read only. The Type property is used to show the control type. For example, linklabel, button, hr, and so on.


The Width property is used to specify the width (in pixels) of an attribute, control, or widget.


The Z-Index property is used to set the order by which attributes, controls, and widgets are layered on a page. For example, you can layer a form on top of an image.