Adding a log view

Add a new log view. You can allow users in your organization to escalate, to create items based on, to create work items from, and to assign the items in a log view. If these options are enabled, task icons will be available in the log view toolbar. You can also allow items in the log view to be converted into log types.

To add a log view

  1. From the top-level navigation, open the Admin module.
  2. Select Customization.
  3. Select the View Management tab.
  4. Select the Log Views tab.
  5. Click New New.
  6. In the New Log Type dialog box, name the new log type. Select an icon with which to associate the new log type. You can allow items tracked in the new log view to be escalated, transitioned into item types, be assigned to resources, and become a work item.
  7. If you chose to allow the log view to be transitioned into an item type, under Allowed Conversions, select the item types into which this log type can be transitioned.
  8. Under Attribute Assignments, select the attributes that you want to associate with the log view.
  9. Click Save Save.