Workspace → User Actions → Navigation → View Pane
The view pane displays the pages associated with the selected view. Many objects selected in the view pane display additional details in a lower pane. Objects such as item allocations, calculated timephased attributes, resource teams, and timesheets display more information in the lower pane of the view. You can often edit directly in this lower pane.
Many views contain multiple panes. Sometimes the view splits vertically, sometimes horizontally, and sometimes both. For example, in the Projects module, the Tasks tab is split into two vertical panes, with the tasks listed on the left and a Gantt chart showing the same tasks as a timeline on the right. When you check out an item to allocate resources, the view splits horizontally, and a pane containing the resource details appears on the lower half of the view.
You can drag the bar between panes to make a pane larger or smaller. You can also use the splitter arrows to temporarily open or close a pane. When you close a pane and then reopen it, it will reopen to the same size it was when it was last open. If you navigate away from that view, and then return to it, it will open with the same panes open and sized as they were when last viewed.
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