
The following table provides a description for all of the fields that are available in Project Portfolio Management:

attribute Description

Indicates whether the costs associated with a task (or a task plan) are billable costs.


Indicates whether all of the work related to a task or work item has been completed.

Concurrency Modified By

The user name of the person (or process) who made the most recent changes to the task, task plan, or work item.

Concurrency Timestamp Date

The date and time on which the most recent concurrent changes were made to the task, task plan, or work item.

Cost Status

The status of a cost, or the status of the amount of money that is spent to produce something of value.

Cost Type ID

The unique ID for a specific cost.

Created By

The name of the resource who initially created the task, task plan, work item, and so on.

Created Date

The date on which a task, task plan, work item, and so on, was created.


The day of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

Delivery Interval

The interval in which the work item is currently located.

Delivery Interval ID

The unique ID for the delivery interval.

Dependency Source ID

The unique ID for the work item that is causing a dependency for another work item (the dependency target).

Dependency Target ID

The unique ID for the work item that is affected by a dependency (the dependency source).


The description of a work item in the application, such as a task, work item, summary, and so on.

Development Allocation

The number of hours (or story points) that have been allocated to a work item.

Development Owner

The name of the resource who has been assigned to do the actual work related to the work item.

Effective End Date

The date by which a task should be finished.

Effective Start Date

The date by which a task should be started.

End Date

The date on which all work for a work item will be finished.

Estimated Finish Date

The estimated date on which all work for a work item will be finished.

Estimated Percent Complete

The estimate of progress made against a task (or a task plan), expressed as a percentage (of 100%).

Estimated Remaining Work

The estimated amount of time required for all resources (who are assigned to the task) to complete the task.

Estimated Start Date

The estimated date on which all work for a work item will be started.

Estimated Work

The estimated amount of work (measured in hours or story points) required to complete all planned work for a work item.

Finish Time

The time at which a task is scheduled to finish, or the time at which a task actually ended.

Hours Worked

The number of hours worked.


The impact on a release, sprint, task, task plan, or other interval.

Is Checked In

Indicates whether the task plan is checked in.

Is Published

Indicates whether the task plan is published.

Issue Resolution

The planned resolution for an issue.

Item ID

The unique ID for the work item.

Item Type

The the type of work item. If the work item is task-based, then the list will contain task-based work item types. If the work item is activity-based, then the list will contain activity-based work item types.

Labor Cost

The cost of labor for a task in a task plan.

Labor Status

The current status of labor for a task in a task plan.


The labor attribute mapping allocations that have been made for a task or for a task plan.


The labor attribute mapping assignment that have been made for a task or for a task plan.


The labor attribute mapping assignment calculations that have been made for a task or for a task plan.


The labor attribute mapping capital expenses that have been made for a task or for a task plan.


The labor attribute mapping operating expenses that have been made for a task or for a task plan.

Last User Modified By

The user name of the person who made the most recent changes to the task, task plan, or work item.

Last User Modified Date

The date on which the most recent changes were made to the task, task plan, or work item.


The estimated chances of a particular event occuring.

Log Priority

The priority of the log item.

Log Status

The status of the log item.


A marketing split is when two plans are compared against each other, one a control (used to act as a baseline) and one a sample (used to act as the comparison against a baseline).

Mitigation Strategy

The approach that a team or a team member will use to work through a series of issues, impediments, and so on, towards resolution.


The name of a task (or a task plan).


The non-labor hardware that is being used by a team member while completing a task.


The owner of the work item.

Owning Investment Name

The name of the investment or interval to which a work item belongs.

Owning Item

The work item which belongs to an investment or to an interval.

Owning Task

The work item which belongs to an investment or to an interval.

Parent ID

The unique ID for the parent task.

Percent Work Complete

The amount of work that has been completed for a task (or a task plan), expressed as a percentage (of 100%).

Planning Interval

The name of the interval that is used to indicate planning.

Planning Interval ID

The ID for the interval that is used to indicate planning.

Planning Owner

The name of the owner of the individual team member who is responsible for the interval that is used to indicate planning.

Planning Owner ID

The ID for the owner of the individual team member who is responsible for the interval that is used to indicate planning.


Indicates the importance of the task in relation to other tasks. 500 is the default value; 1000 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority.

Project Costs Total

The total cost for a project.

Project Costs Total CapEx

The total capital expenses for a project.

Project Costs Total OpEx

The total operational expenses for a project.

Project Labor Hours

The number of planned labor hours that are required to complete a project.

Project Labor Hours Variance

The difference in costs between the planned labor hours and the actual labor hours that are required to complete a project.

Project Priority

Indicates the importance of the task in relation to other tasks. 500 is the default value; 1000 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority.

Project Status

Indicates the current status of the project.

QA Owner

The name of the tester who has been assigned to do validate the quality of the work related to the work item.


Indicates the rank of a work item, in relation to other work items in the same list. The lower the number, the higher the rank.

Remaining Work

The amount of time required for all resources (who are assigned to the task) to complete the task.

Request State

The request state for a work item.

Resource Address1

The address for the location in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address.

Resource Address2

The place for additional address information, if needed, for the location in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address.

Resource Allocation Comment

The comment (or comments) that are associated with a resource allocation.

Resource Allocation Earliest Start

The earliest date on which a resource allocation can be made.

Resource Allocation Latest Finish

The latest date on which a resource allocation can be made.

Resource Allocation Skill Set

The skills that a resource is required to have in order for them to be allocated to this work item.

Resource Allocation Skill Set ID

The unique ID for the skills that a resource is required to have in order for them to be allocated to this work item.

Resource Allocation Status

The status of a resource allocation.

Resource Alternate Name

The alternate name for a resource, such as a nickname.

Resource City

The city in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address.

Resource Completed

Indicates whether a resource has completed their assignment.

Resource Email

The email address of a resource.

Resource First Name

The first name of a resource.

Resource IsInactive

Indicates whether a resource is an active resource. An active resource must have an application license.

Resource Last Name

The last name of a resource.

Resource Primary Skill Set

The name of the skill to which a resource is most often associated.

Resource Primary Skill Set ID

The unique ID of the skill to which a resource is most often associated.

Resource State

The state in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address.

Resource Type

The type of resource.

Resource User ID

The unique ID for the resource.

Resource Username

The username of a resource.

Resource Zip Code

The zip code in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address.

Review Date

The date on which a review will occur, or the date on which a review occurred.


The name of the risk.

Self Assigned

Indicates whether a resource has assigned themselves to a work item.

Start Date

The date on which all work for a work item will be started.

Start Time

The time at which a task is scheduled to start, or the time at which a task actually began.


The current status of a work item, task, or project.

Task Actual Cost

The actual cost to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan).

Task Actual Duration

The amount of that has been actually needed to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan).

Task Actual Finish

The date by which work on a task (or a task plan) actually finished.

Task Actual Non-Labor Cost

The actual non-labor cost to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan).

Task Actual Start

The date by which work on a task (or a task plan) actually started.

Task Actual Total Cost

The actual total cost to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan).

Task Actual Work

The amount of work that has been completed, to-date, by all resources who have been assigned to a task (or a task plan).

Task Baseline Cost

The original, planned cost for a task (or a task plan).

Task Baseline Duration

The original, planned duration for a task (or a task plan).

Task Baseline Finish

The original, planned finish date for a task (or a task plan).

Task Baseline Start

The original, planned start date for a task (or a task plan).

Task Baseline Work

The original, planned work for a task (or a task plan).

Task Cap-Ex

The capital expenses that are associated with a task in a task plan.

Task Cost

The amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. In a task plan, a cost is the amount of money that is spent while finishing a task.

Task Duration

The total amount of time required to complete a task, based on a task's start and finish dates. A duration is always based on how a day is defined in the working calendar associated with the task plan. A day is defined (by default) as being 8 hours; therefore, a duration of 1 day in a task is 8 hours.

Task Externally Visible

Indicates whether a task is externally visible.

Task Finish

The date on which a task is scheduled to finish.

Task Mapped Milestone

Indicates whether a task is a mapped milestone task, for the purposes of labor attribute mapping.

Task Non-Labor Cost

The non-labor costs that are associated with a task.

Team Owner ID

The unique ID of the resource in your organization who is responsible for the team.

Task Percent Complete

The progress made against a task (or a task plan), expressed as a percentage (of 100%).

Task Plan Vision

The planned vision for a task plan.

Task Project ID

The unique ID for the project to which a task (or a task plan) is associated.

Task Project Start

The date on which a project is scheduled to start.

Task Remaining Cost

The cost required to finish the remaining amount of work for all resources assigned to the task.

Task Remaining Duration

The amount of time required to finish the remaining amout of work for all resources assigned to the task.

Task Resource Names

The name of the resource (or resources) who are assigned to a task in a task plan.

Task Sibling Order

The order in which tasks will appear.

Task Start

The date on which a task is scheduled to start.

Task Total Cost

The total amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. In a task plan, a cost is the amount of money that is spent while finishing a task. A cost can be associated with a task, a resource, an assignment, or a task plan.

Task Work

The total amount of work that has been scheduled for a task.

Team Owner

The name of the individual resource in your organization who is responsible for all work performed by the the team.

Timephase Finish

The timephased date on which a task is scheduled to finish.

Timephase Start

The timephased date on which a task is scheduled to start.

Timephase Value

The amount of time which comprises the range of time between a task's timephased start and timephased finish dates.


The total amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. In a task plan, a cost is the amount of money that is spent while finishing a task. A cost can be associated with a task, a resource, an assignment, or a task plan.


The total cumulative amount of money that is spent to produce something of value.

Transition State

The transition state for a task or for a work item.

Unspecified Cost

The cost of any work item that are unknown or not otherwise directly accounted for (such as entered in a field which tracks actual cost).

User Assigned To

The name of the resource to whom a task or work item has been assigned.

User Assigned To ID

The unique ID of the resource to whom a task or work item has been assigned.

User Story Work Remaining

The amount of work (measured as story points) which has not yet been completed.

Work Estimated

The amount of work that is estimated

Work Item Parent

The parent work item in the work hierarchy.

Work Remaining

The amount of work that still needs to be completed.

Work Remaining TPA

The amount of work that still needs to be completed, measured as a timephased amount of work.