Reference → Attributes
The following table provides a description for all of the fields that are available in Project Portfolio Management:
attribute | Description |
Billable | Indicates whether the costs associated with a task (or a task plan) are billable costs. |
Completed | Indicates whether all of the work related to a task or work item has been completed. |
Concurrency Modified By | The user name of the person (or process) who made the most recent changes to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Concurrency Timestamp Date | The date and time on which the most recent concurrent changes were made to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Cost Status | The status of a cost, or the status of the amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. |
Cost Type ID | The unique ID for a specific cost. |
Created By | The name of the resource who initially created the task, task plan, work item, and so on. |
Created Date | The date on which a task, task plan, work item, and so on, was created. |
Day | The day of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. |
Delivery Interval | The interval in which the work item is currently located. |
Delivery Interval ID | The unique ID for the delivery interval. |
Dependency Source ID | The unique ID for the work item that is causing a dependency for another work item (the dependency target). |
Dependency Target ID | The unique ID for the work item that is affected by a dependency (the dependency source). |
Description | The description of a work item in the application, such as a task, work item, summary, and so on. |
Development Allocation | The number of hours (or story points) that have been allocated to a work item. |
Development Owner | The name of the resource who has been assigned to do the actual work related to the work item. |
Effective End Date | The date by which a task should be finished. |
Effective Start Date | The date by which a task should be started. |
End Date | The date on which all work for a work item will be finished. |
Estimated Finish Date | The estimated date on which all work for a work item will be finished. |
Estimated Percent Complete | The estimate of progress made against a task (or a task plan), expressed as a percentage (of 100%). |
Estimated Remaining Work | The estimated amount of time required for all resources (who are assigned to the task) to complete the task. |
Estimated Start Date | The estimated date on which all work for a work item will be started. |
Estimated Work | The estimated amount of work (measured in hours or story points) required to complete all planned work for a work item. |
Finish Time | The time at which a task is scheduled to finish, or the time at which a task actually ended. |
Hours Worked | The number of hours worked. |
Impact | The impact on a release, sprint, task, task plan, or other interval. |
Is Checked In | Indicates whether the task plan is checked in. |
Is Published | Indicates whether the task plan is published. |
Issue Resolution | The planned resolution for an issue. |
Item ID | The unique ID for the work item. |
Item Type | The the type of work item. If the work item is task-based, then the list will contain task-based work item types. If the work item is activity-based, then the list will contain activity-based work item types. |
Labor Cost | The cost of labor for a task in a task plan. |
Labor Status | The current status of labor for a task in a task plan. |
LAM_Allocations | The labor attribute mapping allocations that have been made for a task or for a task plan. |
LAM_Assignments | The labor attribute mapping assignment that have been made for a task or for a task plan. |
LAM_Assignments_Calc | The labor attribute mapping assignment calculations that have been made for a task or for a task plan. |
LAM_AssignmentsCapEx | The labor attribute mapping capital expenses that have been made for a task or for a task plan. |
LAM_AssignmentsOpEx | The labor attribute mapping operating expenses that have been made for a task or for a task plan. |
Last User Modified By | The user name of the person who made the most recent changes to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Last User Modified Date | The date on which the most recent changes were made to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Likelihood | The estimated chances of a particular event occuring. |
Log Priority | The priority of the log item. |
Log Status | The status of the log item. |
MarketingSplit | A marketing split is when two plans are compared against each other, one a control (used to act as a baseline) and one a sample (used to act as the comparison against a baseline). |
Mitigation Strategy | The approach that a team or a team member will use to work through a series of issues, impediments, and so on, towards resolution. |
Name | The name of a task (or a task plan). |
NonLaborHardware | The non-labor hardware that is being used by a team member while completing a task. |
Owner | The owner of the work item. |
Owning Investment Name | The name of the investment or interval to which a work item belongs. |
Owning Item | The work item which belongs to an investment or to an interval. |
Owning Task | The work item which belongs to an investment or to an interval. |
Parent ID | The unique ID for the parent task. |
Percent Work Complete | The amount of work that has been completed for a task (or a task plan), expressed as a percentage (of 100%). |
Planning Interval | The name of the interval that is used to indicate planning. |
Planning Interval ID | The ID for the interval that is used to indicate planning. |
Planning Owner | The name of the owner of the individual team member who is responsible for the interval that is used to indicate planning. |
Planning Owner ID | The ID for the owner of the individual team member who is responsible for the interval that is used to indicate planning. |
Priority | Indicates the importance of the task in relation to other tasks. 500 is the default value; 1000 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority. |
Project Costs Total | The total cost for a project. |
Project Costs Total CapEx | The total capital expenses for a project. |
Project Costs Total OpEx | The total operational expenses for a project. |
Project Labor Hours | The number of planned labor hours that are required to complete a project. |
Project Labor Hours Variance | The difference in costs between the planned labor hours and the actual labor hours that are required to complete a project. |
Project Priority | Indicates the importance of the task in relation to other tasks. 500 is the default value; 1000 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority. |
Project Status | Indicates the current status of the project. |
QA Owner | The name of the tester who has been assigned to do validate the quality of the work related to the work item. |
Rank | Indicates the rank of a work item, in relation to other work items in the same list. The lower the number, the higher the rank. |
Remaining Work | The amount of time required for all resources (who are assigned to the task) to complete the task. |
Request State | The request state for a work item. |
Resource Address1 | The address for the location in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address. |
Resource Address2 | The place for additional address information, if needed, for the location in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address. |
Resource Allocation Comment | The comment (or comments) that are associated with a resource allocation. |
Resource Allocation Earliest Start | The earliest date on which a resource allocation can be made. |
Resource Allocation Latest Finish | The latest date on which a resource allocation can be made. |
Resource Allocation Skill Set | The skills that a resource is required to have in order for them to be allocated to this work item. |
Resource Allocation Skill Set ID | The unique ID for the skills that a resource is required to have in order for them to be allocated to this work item. |
Resource Allocation Status | The status of a resource allocation. |
Resource Alternate Name | The alternate name for a resource, such as a nickname. |
Resource City | The city in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address. |
Resource Completed | Indicates whether a resource has completed their assignment. |
Resource Email | The email address of a resource. |
Resource First Name | The first name of a resource. |
Resource IsInactive | Indicates whether a resource is an active resource. An active resource must have an application license. |
Resource Last Name | The last name of a resource. |
Resource Primary Skill Set | The name of the skill to which a resource is most often associated. |
Resource Primary Skill Set ID | The unique ID of the skill to which a resource is most often associated. |
Resource State | The state in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address. |
Resource Type | The type of resource. |
Resource User ID | The unique ID for the resource. |
Resource Username | The username of a resource. |
Resource Zip Code | The zip code in which a resource is located. Resource Address1, Resource Address2, Resource City, Resource State, and Resource Zip Code are used together to define a resource's complete address. |
Review Date | The date on which a review will occur, or the date on which a review occurred. |
Risk | The name of the risk. |
Self Assigned | Indicates whether a resource has assigned themselves to a work item. |
Start Date | The date on which all work for a work item will be started. |
Start Time | The time at which a task is scheduled to start, or the time at which a task actually began. |
Status | The current status of a work item, task, or project. |
Task Actual Cost | The actual cost to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Actual Duration | The amount of that has been actually needed to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Actual Finish | The date by which work on a task (or a task plan) actually finished. |
Task Actual Non-Labor Cost | The actual non-labor cost to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Actual Start | The date by which work on a task (or a task plan) actually started. |
Task Actual Total Cost | The actual total cost to complete actual work for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Actual Work | The amount of work that has been completed, to-date, by all resources who have been assigned to a task (or a task plan). |
Task Baseline Cost | The original, planned cost for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Baseline Duration | The original, planned duration for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Baseline Finish | The original, planned finish date for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Baseline Start | The original, planned start date for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Baseline Work | The original, planned work for a task (or a task plan). |
Task Cap-Ex | The capital expenses that are associated with a task in a task plan. |
Task Cost | The amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. In a task plan, a cost is the amount of money that is spent while finishing a task. |
Task Duration | The total amount of time required to complete a task, based on a task's start and finish dates. A duration is always based on how a day is defined in the working calendar associated with the task plan. A day is defined (by default) as being 8 hours; therefore, a duration of 1 day in a task is 8 hours. |
Task Externally Visible | Indicates whether a task is externally visible. |
Task Finish | The date on which a task is scheduled to finish. |
Task Mapped Milestone | Indicates whether a task is a mapped milestone task, for the purposes of labor attribute mapping. |
Task Non-Labor Cost | The non-labor costs that are associated with a task. |
Team Owner ID | The unique ID of the resource in your organization who is responsible for the team. |
Task Percent Complete | The progress made against a task (or a task plan), expressed as a percentage (of 100%). |
Task Plan Vision | The planned vision for a task plan. |
Task Project ID | The unique ID for the project to which a task (or a task plan) is associated. |
Task Project Start | The date on which a project is scheduled to start. |
Task Remaining Cost | The cost required to finish the remaining amount of work for all resources assigned to the task. |
Task Remaining Duration | The amount of time required to finish the remaining amout of work for all resources assigned to the task. |
Task Resource Names | The name of the resource (or resources) who are assigned to a task in a task plan. |
Task Sibling Order | The order in which tasks will appear. |
Task Start | The date on which a task is scheduled to start. |
Task Total Cost | The total amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. In a task plan, a cost is the amount of money that is spent while finishing a task. A cost can be associated with a task, a resource, an assignment, or a task plan. |
Task Work | The total amount of work that has been scheduled for a task. |
Team Owner | The name of the individual resource in your organization who is responsible for all work performed by the the team. |
Timephase Finish | The timephased date on which a task is scheduled to finish. |
Timephase Start | The timephased date on which a task is scheduled to start. |
Timephase Value | The amount of time which comprises the range of time between a task's timephased start and timephased finish dates. |
TotalCost | The total amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. In a task plan, a cost is the amount of money that is spent while finishing a task. A cost can be associated with a task, a resource, an assignment, or a task plan. |
TotalCostCumulative | The total cumulative amount of money that is spent to produce something of value. |
Transition State | The transition state for a task or for a work item. |
Unspecified Cost | The cost of any work item that are unknown or not otherwise directly accounted for (such as entered in a field which tracks actual cost). |
User Assigned To | The name of the resource to whom a task or work item has been assigned. |
User Assigned To ID | The unique ID of the resource to whom a task or work item has been assigned. |
User Story Work Remaining | The amount of work (measured as story points) which has not yet been completed. |
Work Estimated | The amount of work that is estimated |
Work Item Parent | The parent work item in the work hierarchy. |
Work Remaining | The amount of work that still needs to be completed. |
Work Remaining TPA | The amount of work that still needs to be completed, measured as a timephased amount of work. |
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