Projects → Workflow → Approvals and Rejections
The transition Approvals dialog displays the approval list defined for the selected item type transition. An approval list is a list of users and/or security roles required to approve the selected transition before the transition can be finished. Approval lists are defined and assigned to item type transitions by your administrator in the System Settings module. The state of a transition determines which features are displayed in the transition Approvals dialog box.
The status ball next to the page title indicates the current overall status of the transition. A green ball indicates all approvers have approved the transition. A yellow ball indicates there are pending approvals, and a red ball indicates the transition has been rejected by one or more approvers.
If you belong to an approval list, you will be notified when it is your turn to approve (or reject) a transition. The notification will be available in the navigation bar or in an email notification. Open the Approvals dialog box and approve the transition from the Actions column. After everyone has submitted their approval status, a transition can be finished.
You may change your approval status any time after a transition has started and before a transition has finished. If you belong to an ordered approval list and you change (or clear) your approval status, any member of the list who appears after you will have their approval status returned to pending approval (yellow). Open the Approvals dialog box and change your approval status.
If you belong to an approval list, you will be notified when it is your turn to approve (or reject) a transition. The notification will be available in the navigation bar or in an email notification. Open the Approvals dialog box and reject the transition from the Actions column. When a transition is rejected by a member of the approval list, the team member who started the transition is sent a transition rejected notification. A transition that has been rejected by one or more members of the approval list may still be started; however, many transitions that are rejected by one or more members of a transition approval list will be canceled.
Click the approval icon for the transition path and open the Approvals dialog box. The Approvals dialog box shows who in your organization will need to approve an item transition, including the approval order (if ordered). After the transition has started, the Approvals dialog box will show the approval status for each approver, the date and time the transition was approved (or rejected), and any notes entered by an approver. If a transition does not require approval, there will not be an approval list.
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