Projects → Work Items
You can use the Work Items tab to create, track, and assign work items. Work items can help project managers track and assign work that may not fit into a task plan.
The upper pane of the Work Items tab is used to view existing work items and information about them. New work items can be created. Existing work items can be modified. The default columns in the upper pane are: Name, Start (Plan), Finish (Plan), Duration (Plan), Work (Plan). You can add additional columns to the upper pane by clicking the Properties button. Use the Filters tab to select specific tasks. Use the View Settings tab to adjust the Gantt chart or the timeline bar.
The lower pane of the Work Items tab has two tabs: Labor Assignments and Details.
A work item, once created, can have a resource assigned or allocated to it.
Any work item can be deleted. When a work item is deleted, any assignments made to that work item are also deleted.
You can change a work item's details, including start and finish dates, assignments, or allocations.
You can pull timesheet actuals into a task. This adds data from timesheet actuals to the selected task, such as actual start date and work.
Work items can be viewed from the Work Items tab. Select a work item to view its details, assignments, and allocations.
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