Customization → Timesheet Settings → Timesheet Periods
This tab is used to manage how timesheets are opened, closed, re-opened, and created.
Timesheet periods are measured in days, occur at a specified frequency, and new ones begin on a date based on when a previous one ends. Timesheet periods are created on a schedule you define, for example every week, on Monday, beginning 01/07/2008. You can also set the number of future timesheet periods that will be opened automatically.
Timesheet periods can be open, closed, and re-opened. When a timesheet period is open, users can enter time in their timesheet for that period; when it is closed, users cannot enter time.
Timesheets can be configured to close automatically. Choose the option to close timesheet periods when the Post Timesheet Data plug-in is run. Specify a grace period of up to seven days, during which users in your organization can still submit time, before the timesheet period is closed.
You can delete a timesheet period schedule.
You can modify timesheet period schedules using the Period Scheduling dialog box in the middle of the Timesheet Settings tab. In the Period Scheduling dialog box, the timesheet periods are listed by their effective dates.
You can modify the settings with which a timesheet period is scheduled.
Timesheet periods can be open, closed, and re-opened. Resources can only submit time against an open timesheet.
Timesheet periods can be open, closed, and re-opened. When a timesheet period is open, users can enter time in their timesheets for that period; when it is closed, users cannot enter time.
You can reset a scheduled timesheet period.
Timesheet periods can be viewed from the Periods tab in the Timesheet Settings tab.
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