Tools → My Timesheet → Timesheet Details
Right-click on a row in the timesheet table to open a shortcut menu and navigate to other views. For example, right-click on a task assignment to open the Task Details or Assignment Details. The view opens in a read-only pop-up window. You can also right-click on an item (task or activity based) to open the views for which you have permissions.
Click the comment icon to add a comment to an assignment in a timesheet.
If detailed time entry is enabled for the item to which you are assigned, you can provide more granular time tracking information in the lower pane.
The status pane in a resource's timesheet displays the same Plan and Actual dimension information as shown in the project manger's view of the same timesheet, however, the Estimates information can be entered and modified by the resource. This is a way for the resource to communicate estimates for start and finish dates, total and remaining work, and percent complete. Timesheet status can be viewed from the My Timesheet tab in the Projects module.
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