Customization → Attributes Setup → Type System
The type system is a collection of system configuration data that helps define the fundamental elements of your deployment, including item types, attributes, dimensions, financials, workflow transitions, and so on. The type system represents out-of-the-box configuration elements plus custom configurations that your organization may have made. The type system is imported and exported from as an XML-based configuration template.
The type system is a template that stores configuration data. When your organization purchased this application, they may have also purchased a template containing configuration data. Importing a template populates a database with all of that template’s configuration data. You can export the type system to create a back-up or to configure multiple databases with the same configuration.
Export the type system to use in a different database or to save a backup of the customized elements within your current configuration. If you are creating another database and you want to use configuration data from an existing database, you can export the type system and then import it into the new database. You can also use the type system to create a backup of your custom configuration settings. The following information is not included as part of a type system export: Microsoft Project settings, labor attribute mapping details, timesheet settings, user synchronization settings, changes made from the Module Designer, the order in which views appear, an item request page, or anything that is included out-of-the-box.
Import the type system to apply configuration settings from a different database to a new database, or to import a type system that you have saved as a backup for the type system your organization is currently using. When importing the type system, you can import custom forms created in the View Designer tab.
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