Customization → Attributes Setup → Split Attributes
Split attributes are created from timephased attributes. Split attributes can be used to help your organization track the individual components of a timephased attribute and they roll-up their data to the parent timephased attribute. For example, your organization may want to track the number of sales leads generated for a specific time period. Using a split attribute can provide a way of tracking Internet, mail, and telephone leads individually, but also as part of a single timephased attribute. Split attributes cannot be created for calculated timephased attributes.
Note: This view is not available when using Serena Agile On Demand.
Add a split attribute for a timephased attribute. If the timephased attribute already has data, this will cause that data to be replaced by the rolled-up data from any split attribute that is associated with the parent attribute.
You can delete a split attribute, but you should be sure they are not being used and that they do not contain data before you delete them. For example, deleting a split attribute which contains data that is being used in the Financials tab will permanently delete that data and it may affect the layout of the Financials tab itself.
Make your changes and then save them.
Split attributes can be viewed from the Split Attributes tab in the Attributes Setup tab.
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