Customization → Attributes Setup → Dimensions
All security roles are given permission to view a dimension's item data. You can prevent all users in your organization from being able to view a dimension's item data by locking the dimension. Permission to edit a dimension's item data is granted on a per-security role basis for each dimension. To give permission to edit a dimension's item data, select the check box next to the security role. Permission to edit a dimension's item data is given to all security groups for a dimension that comes pre-configured.
Note: This tab is not available when using Serena Agile On Demand.
Add a dimension and pick its type. If you want to prevent users (regardless of their security roles) from editing item data in the dimension, then select Locked. If you want the dimension to be available as a baseline option in the Tasks tab, then select Baseline. If you want to allow users to edit item data in a dimension, select the security roles which contain these users.
For each dimension, you must specify the security groups (and the users who belong to them) that will be allowed to edit item data in a dimension. Simply check the box next to the security role and save the dimension.
Pick a dimension and delete it. This could cause a lot of data (related to that dimension) to be deleted as well, so be sure this is what you really want to do.
Make your changes and then save them.
Locking a dimension will prevent all users in your organization from being able to view item data in a dimension. All dimensions are unlocked by default. In order for users to edit item data in a dimension, they must also be able to view item data in a dimension.
A dimension can be viewed from the Dimensions tab in the Attributes Setup tab.
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