
This table contains information about the item assignments that are associated with an item.

Column Data Type Description
obj_UID int A unique identifier. Every record in the table has a unique ID.
obj_Name nvarchar(100) The name of a particular assignment.
obj_ProjectUID int The item to which this assignment belongs.
obj_TaskUID int The ID of the item to which an assignment belongs.
obj_AllocationUID int The ID of the allocation that an assignment is part of. This can be used in a join to find out the allocation and resource.
obj_BinData image Contains all the custom attribute data for an item. This data is stored in binary and requires a macro to extract it.
obj_Description ntext The description of a particular assignment.
obj_LastChange datetime The last time the object was changed by a user or the system.
obj_LastChangeBy int The ID of the user who last changed the object (includes system).
obj_LastUserChangeDate datetime Last time the object was changed by a user (excludes system).
obj_LastUserChangeBy int The ID of the user who last changed the object (excludes system).
tsk_Completed bit Indicates whether or not a resource has marked the item as completed. A value of "1" indicates the item has been marked as completed.
tsk_PMCompleted bit Indicates whether or not a project manager has marked the item as completed. A value of "1" indicates the item has been marked as completed.
tsk_RemainingWork float Calculates the value of remaining work (Plan Work minus Actual Work).
tsk_PercentWorkComplete float Calculates the value of percent work complete (Actual Work v. Plan).

With item assignments, you can select directly off the tables when looking for the system attributes specified above. If you have custom attributes, you will need to use the macro.

SELECT * FROM PES_MACRO_WORK_ITEM_ASSIGNMENT(work, obj_ProjectUID = 281, Description, tsk_Completed, tsk_PMCompleted, tsk_RemainingWork, tsk_PercentWorkComplete)