
This table stores detail attributes associated with each timephased attribute entry. These details are custom attributes that attached to a timephased attribute.

Column Data Type Description
obj_UID int A unique identifier. Every record in the table has a unique ID.
obj_InvestmentUID int The ID of the item that this attribute detail record belongs to. Can be used to JOIN back to related item.
obj_Description int The description of a particular attribute. This is a default detail attribute on each BCV entry. You do not need a macro to get at this.
obj_BinData image Contains all the timephased detail attribute data for a given attribute. This data is stored in binary and requires a macro to retrieve it.
SELECT self.Value, detail.obj_Name, detail.obj_Description
FROM PES_MACRO_TIMEPHASE_ATTRIBUTES_SELF_CONTRIBUTION (self, obj_UID = 281 and att_UID = 220 and dim_UID = 4, Currency, Calendar Year, 1/1/2006,12/31/2007, true)
LEFT OUTER JOIN PES_TimephaseAttributeDetails detail ON self.obj_BucketUID = detail.obj_UID
WHERE self.obj_InvestmentUID = 281
SELECT self.Value, detail.Description, detail.obj_Description
FROM PES_MACRO_TIMEPHASE_ATTRIBUTES_SELF_CONTRIBUTION (self, obj_UID = 281 and att_UID = 220 and dim_UID = 4, Currency, Calendar Year, 1/1/2006,12/31/2007, true)
LEFT OUTER JOIN PES_MACRO_TIMEPHASE_ATTRIBUTE_DETAIL(detail, obj_InvestmentUID = 281, Description) on self.obj_BucketUID = detail.obj_UID