Reference → Data Dictionary → Instance Data Table Summary → PES_Resource
This table contains data for all the resources in the system.
Column | Data Type | Description |
obj_UID | int | A unique identifier. Every record in the table has a unique ID. |
obj_ParentUID | int | This is the ID of the owning resource team (found in PES_Object table). |
obj_Name | nvarchar(100) | This is the full name of the resource. |
cls_UID | int | The ID of the class (resource) type. This is found in the PES_Class table. |
usr_UID | int | The ID of the corresponding user. Every named resource has a user record in the system (excluding generic resources). This value appears in the PES_User table. |
obj_BinData | image | Contains all the custom attribute data for a resource. Use a macro to extract it. |
obj_Description | ntext | The description of a resource. |
res_AlternateName | nvarchar(255) | An alternate name for a resource. |
res_Address1 | nvarchar(255) | The first line of the resource's address. |
res_Address2 | nvarchar(255) | The second line of the resource's address. |
res_City | nvarchar(255) | The resource's city. |
res_State | nvarchar(255) | The resource's state. |
res_ZipCode | nvarchar(255) | The resource's zip code. |
res_PrimarySkillSet | int | The ID of the default Resource Role that this resource has. When allocated to an item, this is the default Role for the subsequent allocation. |
res_EffectiveStart | datetime | The date which the resource became active. At any time before this date the resource's capacity will be 0. |
res_EffectiveEnd | datetime | The date which the resource became inactive. At any time after this date the resource's capacity will be 0. |
obj_LastChange | datetime | The last time the resource was changed by a user or the system. |
obj_LastChangeBy | int | The ID of the user who last changed the resource (includes system). |
obj_LastUserChangeDate | datetime | The last time a user changed the resource (excludes system). |
obj_LastUserChangeBy | int | The ID of the user who last changed the resource (excludes system). |
Resources are either first class resource or generic resources. In general, first class resources have a cls_UID of 2, where generic resources have a cls_UID of 8. However, this is not always guaranteed if you came from a Portfolio Edge migration. Make sure to check your PES_Class table before making that assumption for retrieving data. Every resource belongs to a resource team, which are defined in the PES_Object table.
With resources, you can select directly off the tables when looking for the system attributes specified above. If you have custom attributes, you will need to use the macro.
SELECT peso.obj_Name as ResourceTeam, resource.obj_Name as Resource FROM PES_Object peso INNER JOIN PES_Resource resource ON peso.obj_UID = resource.obj_ParentUID ORDER BY peso.obj_Name, resource.obj_Name
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