
This table contains item and resource team information. The resource teams are identified by having a cls_UID of 6. If the database was migrated from Portfolio Edge, the cls_UID may be a value other than 6, and defined in the PES_Class table.

Column Data Type Description
obj_UID int A unique identifier. Every record in the table has a unique ID. It will be used often in JOIN statements to retrieve related information.
obj_ParentUID int The ID of an object’s immediate parent.
obj_HasChildren bit Indicates whether the item or resource team has any children.
cls_UID smallint Identifies the item type of a particular row entry. The item type appears in the PES_Class table.
obj_Name nvarchar(100) The name of a particular item.
obj_BinData image Contains all the custom attribute data for an item. This data is stored in binary and requires a macro to extract it.
obj_Description ntext The description of a particular item.
obj_LastChange datetime Last time the object was changed by a user or the system (includes system).
obj_LastChangeBy int The ID of the user who last changed the object (includes system).
obj_LastUserChangeDate datetime The last time the object was changed by a user (excludes system).
obj_LastUserChangeBy int The ID of the user who last changed the object (excludes system).

Name and Description (obj_Name and obj_Description) can be retrieved without using a macro as they are both predefined fields in the system.

SELECT * FROM PES_MACRO_INVESTMENT(inv, obj_UID = 100, Project_Status)