Modules and Views → Reports → Charts → Datasheet Type Charts
When you select a datasheet type chart in the Charts tab, the only actions available for the chart is view, regardless of your security role permissions. Users with the appropriate permissions can create and edit charts for datasheet types from the Datasheet Type Charts dialog. The Datasheet Type Charts dialog has the same functionality as the Charts tab, except that it is only used for managing datasheet type charts,and you cannot view charts from the Datasheet Type Charts dialog.
Create a a datasheet type chart based on a datasheet type. When a chart is created for a datasheet type. the chart is automatically added to all of the datasheets assigned to the datasheet type.
You can create new datasheet type charts based on datasheet type charts that are already there. A datasheet type chart can only be copied to datasheets that are not assigned to a datasheet type. A datasheet type chart cannot be copied to other datasheet types.
If you don't need a datasheet type chart, you can delete it.
Make changes to a datasheet type chart. Change the axis options or the properties. When a datasheet type chart is edited, the chart is automatically edited on any datasheet to which the datasheet type is associated.
While working with a datasheet type chart, you may determine that it belongs in a datasheet. A datasheet type chart can be moved to another datasheet within the same portfolio or to a datasheet in another portfolio. A datasheet type chart can only be moved to a datasheet that is not assigned to a datasheet type. A datasheet type chart cannot be moved to another datasheet type, and a standard datasheet type chart cannot be moved to a datasheet type.