Modules and Views → Projects → Manage Items → Properties
Use the Properties dialog box to view the properties for a project, release, sprint, task plan, or any other work item or work type that is currently in the application.
The Attribute History tab in the Properties dialog box is used to view the history of changes made to an attribute.
The Connector tab in the Properties dialog box is used to view connector details.
The following fields are available from the Connector tab in the Properties dialog box:
Fields | Description |
Connector Name | The names of the connections that are used to provide data for this work item. A connection is made using a recurring tasks, configured from the Jobs tab in the Scheduled Services view. |
Last Refreshed | The date and time when a work item was last updated. The frequency of updates is determined by the connection properties that have been configured for the recurring task. |
The General tab in the Properties dialog box is used to general information about a project, release, task, task plan, or any other work item or work type in the application.
The following fields are available from the General tab in the Properties dialog box:
Fields | Description |
Created By | The name of the resource who initially created the task, task plan, work item, and so on. |
Created Date | The date on which a task, task plan, work item, and so on, was created. |
Hide On Timesheet | Indicates whether tasks related to this work item will appear in a resource's timesheet. If selected, then the task will not appear in a resource's timesheet. |
Item Name | The name of the work item. |
Item Type | The the type of work item. If the work item is task-based, then the list will contain task-based work item types. If the work item is activity-based, then the list will contain activity-based work item types. |
Last Modified By | The user name of the person who made the most recent changes to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Last Modified Date | The date on which the most recent changes were made to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Lock Completed Assignments | Indicates whether resources are prevented from submitting time against a task or work item that has been marked as complete. |
Self Allocation Allowed | Indicates whether a resource is allowed to allocate themself to a task or work item, and any activities associated with them. The default setting for this option is inherited from the work item type, but the setting can be configured on a per-work item basis. If self-allocation is allowed, then self-assignment is also allowed. Select this option when you want resources to be able to self-allocate to this work item. |
Self Assignment Allowed | Indicates whether a resource is allowed to assign themself to a task or work item, and any activities associated with them. The default setting for this option is inherited from the work item type, but the setting can be configured on a per-work item basis. If you want to allow self-assignment, but disallow self-allocation, then select this option and de-select Self Allocation Allowed. |