
This lookup table stores hierarchy information for items.


Name Type Length Description
oa_AncestorUID int 4 ID of the object's ancestor.
oa_DescendantUID int 4 ID of the object's descendant.
oa_Level smallint 2 ID of the object's level in the hierarchy.

Agile Planner Representation

The hierarchy is represented in Agile Planner wherever the project tree is displayed, such as the Projects view.


SQL Examples

FROM PES_ObjectAssociation 
SELECT a.obj_Name as'Ancestor', d.obj_Name as'Descendant', oa_Level
FROM PES_ObjectAssociation ad
      INNERJOIN PES_Object a ON ad.oa_AncestorUID = a.obj_UID
      INNERJOIN PES_Object d ON ad.oa_DescendantUID = d.obj_UID 
oa_AncestorUID oa_DescendantUID oa_Level
-------------- ---------------- --------
-8             -8               0
-7             -7               0
-6             -6               0
-5             -5               0
-8             -5               1
-3             -3               0
-2             -2               0
-1             -1               0
1              1                0
-1             1                1
922            922              0
1              922              1
-1             922              2
925            925              0
922            925              1
1              925              2
-1             925              3
926            926              0
1              926              1
-1             926              2
927            927              0
926            927              1
1              927              2
-1             927              3 
(24 row(s) affected)           
Ancestor                             Descendant                        oa_Level
------------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------
System Resource Team Root            System Resource Team Root         0
Enterprise Templates                 Enterprise Templates              0
Root Task                            Root Task                         0
Enterprise Resource Pool             Enterprise Resource Pool          0
System Resource Team Root            Enterprise Resource Pool          1
Administrative Role Assignments      Administrative Role Assignments   0
Unassigned Objects                   Unassigned Objects                0
System Root Object                   System Root Object                0
Agile Projects                       Agile Projects                    0
System Root Object                   Agile Projects                    1
project 1                            project 1                         0
Agile Projects                       project 1                         1
System Root Object                   project 1                         2
Release 1                            Release 1                         0
project 1                            Release 1                         1
Agile Projects                       Release 1                         2
System Root Object                   Release 1                         3
Team 1                               Team 1                            0
Agile Projects                       Team 1                            1
System Root Object                   Team 1                            2
Sprint 1                             Sprint 1                          0
Team 1                               Sprint 1                          1
Agile Projects                       Sprint 1                          2
System Root Object                   Sprint 1                          3 
(24 row(s) affected)