
PES_ListItem stores information about values defined for specific list type attributes.


Name Type Length Description
li_UID int 4 List item ID.
lst_UID int 4 Foreign key to PES_List
li_Name nvarchar 510 List item name.
li_Name sysname 510 List item name.
li_DisplayValue nvarchar 510 List item display value.
li_DisplayValue sysname 510 List item display value.
li_Precedence int 4 Place in the sequence of items in the list.
li_IsOrphan bit 1 Whether the list item is an orphan.
li_ParentID int 4 List item parent ID.
li_Icon nvarchar 100 Path to an icon file for the list item.
li_Icon sysname 100 Path to an icon file for the list item.
li_SystemName nvarchar 530 List item system name.
li_SystemName sysname 530 List item system name.
nsp_UID int 4 Namespace ID.
li_UserModified bit 1 Whether the list item can be modified by users.
li_Color nvarchar 100 HTML hex number for color displayed for the list item.
li_Color sysname 100 Color displayed for the list item.

Agile Planner Representation

List item data stored in the PES_ListItem table is represented in Agile Planner in the Configuration | Attributes Setup view, under the Lists tab.
