
PES_ClassChildren stores information about the types of item that specific work item types can store, as defined in the Configuration | Types Setup view, on the Item Types | Containment tab.


Name Type Length Description
chl_ParentUID smallint 2 ID of valid parent item types.
chl_ChildUID smallint 2 ID of valid child item types.
nsp_UID smallint 2 Namespace ID.

Agile Planner Representation


SQL Example

FROM PES_ClassChildren 
SELECT p.cls_Name as'Parent', c.cls_Name as'Child'
FROM PES_ClassChildren pc
      INNERJOIN PES_Class p ON pc.chl_ParentUID = p.cls_UID
      INNERJOIN PES_Class c ON pc.chl_ChildUID = c.cls_UID 
chl_ParentUID chl_ChildUID nsp_UID
------------- ------------ -------
19            31           3
6             2            1
6             6            1
1             19           3
1             25           3
19            22           3
25            20           3
1             1            1  
Parent                                             Child
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