
PES_Class stores information about an item type as defined from the Configuration | Types Setup view, under the Work Types tab, such as its name, icon file, type, etc.


Name Type Length Description
cls_XMLName nvarchar 120 Unique name for the item type.
cls_IsActive bit 1 Whether the item type is active.
nsp_UID int 4 Foreign key to PES_Namespace.
cls_UID smallint 2 Primary key to the item type.
frm_UID int 4  
cls_Name nvarchar 100 Name of the item type.
cls_UserModified bit 1 Whether items of this type can be modified by users.
cls_IsCreatable bit 1 Whether items of this type can be created by users.
clt_UID int 4 Foreign key to PES_ClassType.
cls_TreeImageName nvarchar 1000 Name if the icon relative to /media/images/user
vw_RequestView int 4  
csb_UID tinyint 1 Foreign key to PES_ClassBase.
cls_UseViewFilter bit 1  
cls_IsTimesheetDetailEnabled bit 1 Obsolete.
cls_CanSelfAllocate bit 1 Obsolete.
cls_CanSelfAssign bit 1 Obsolete.
cls_LockAssignmentWhenComplete bit 1 Obsolete.
cls_InheritAllocations bit 1 Whether this type of item is set to inherit allocations.
cls_TimesheetDisabled bit 1 Obsolete.
wbs_DefaultUID int 4 Foreign key to PES_WBSDefinition. WBS for Project.
cls_IsTeam bit 1 Whether this is a team type of attribute.
cls_ResourceCompleteAffectsPlan bit 1 Obsolete.

Agile Planner Representation

Information from the PES_Class table is represented in Agile Planner in the Configuration | Types Setup view, under the Work Types tab.
