PES_AgileWI stores information about specific work items, such as tasks, stories, etc. This includes name, description, creation and modification dates, and identifiers of parent and children items.


Name Type Length Description
obj_UID int 4 Primary key.
obj_VersionIndependentUID uniqueidentifier 16 Integrates with DocStore.
cls_UID smallint 2 Foreign key to PES_Class.
obj_Name nvarchar 400 Item name.
obj_Description nvarchar -1 Item description.
obj_EditMapping ntext 16 XML that defines the editability of attributes.
obj_BinData image 16 Binary representation of attribute values.
obj_CreatedDate datetime 8 Date and time of the item's creation.
obj_CreatedBy int 4 Numeric ID of the user that created the item.
obj_LastChange datetime 8 Date and time when the item was last updated.
obj_LastChangeBy int 4 Numeric ID of the user that created the item.
obj_LastUserChangeDate datetime 8 Do not use
obj_LastUserChangeBy int 4 Do not use
obj_ParentUID int 4 Numeric ID of the parent work item. -6 indicates no parent.
obj_HasChildren bit 1 Field for internal optimization, you can ignore this field.
obj_TeamOwner int 4 Numeric identifier of the team that owns the item. This equals NULL if the team is not defined.
obj_DeliveryInterval int 4 Numeric identifier for the sprint to which the item belongs. If this is not defined, the value is set to obj_TeamOwner.
obj_PlanningInterval int 4 Numeric identifier for the release to which the item belongs. If this is not defined, the value is set to obj_PlanningOwner.
obj_PlanningOwner int 4 Numeric identifier for the project to which the item belongs. If this is not defined, the value is set to NULL.

Agile Planner Representation

Work item data is represented in Agile Planner in any sprint backlog that displays information about the item's location, name, and other system information.
