Serena Agile Web Services API → Authentication
This section details the methods and parameters for the Authentication Web Service. The Authentication Web Service is available at the URL https://<asppserver>/Agile/IntegrationAPI/Authentication.asmx, where <appserver> is the application server. The WSDL for this set of methods can be retrieved at the URL https://<asppserver>/Agile/IntegrationAPI/Authentication.asmx?wsdl.
The Authentication webservice must be called using the HTTPS protocol.
The Authentication webservice provides an authentication token that must be supplied with all web service calls (excepting the Logon method). The token is valid until a 20 minute interval passes since the token is used. Each use of the token resets the expiration timer.
When a session is completed, the Logoff method should be called to cause the authentication token to expire immediately.