About this Release
Welcome to Release Manager - Release Automation 5.1. See the New Features tab for a complete list of new features in this release.
About New Installations
Release Automation servers may be installed on Windows using the Release Manager installer. For situations where you need to install on UNIX/Linux or install a second server, you should use the Release Automation standalone installer. If you are installing the server using the Release Manager installer, see the Serena Release Manager Getting Started Guide.
If you are running Release Automation under JBOSS and IIS, you must ensure that WebDAV is removed from IIS on the server that hosts Release Automation. WebDAV prevents Release Automation from using critical Web service DELETE and PUT operations. For example, you cannot even apply a license in Release Automation.
To remove WebDAV, select the Web site in IIS, edit the Handler Mappings and remove WebDAV. Navigate back to the Web site Home page, edit the Modules, and remove the WebDAVModule.
If you have an existing installation that you want to upgrade, see Upgrades.
New Features
Release Automation 5.1 contains important enhancements and defect fixes.
To learn more about Release Automation, visit these areas:
The following changes were made to Release Automation 5.1:
- Snapshot Gates: Snapshot statuses can now be used for application gate conditions in combination with version statuses.
- Enhanced Subversion Plug-in: a rich set of steps for using Subversion have been added in this release.
Defect Fixes
Visit the Knowledge Base to see the defects fixed in this release.
The following upgrade paths are supported for this release:
- If you have an existing native
Release Manager
installation of
Release Automation
version 5.0.1, which is installed under a JBoss application server, you can
upgrade to version 5.1 using the
Release Manager
5.1 installer.
See the "Upgrades" section in the Release Manager Readme for details.
- If you have an existing standalone installation of
Release Automation
version 5.0.1 or earlier, which is installed under a Tomcat application server,
you can upgrade to version 5.1 using the
Release Automation
standalone installer.
See the Release Automation User's Guide for details.
- After upgrading a standalone installation of
Release Automation,
if you want to use it with
Release Manager,
you must use
SBM Configurator
to configure the settings
Release Manager
See "Configuring Serena Release Manager" in the Release Manager Getting Started Guide for details.
Known Issues
For a complete and up-to-date list of issues found in this release of Release Automation, refer to the Knowledge Base.
Issues known to exist at the time of release are as follows:
- For installations on Linux Redhat 6 64-bit and Microsoft SQL
Server, the SQL JDBC driver
sqljdbc4.jar fails to load on startup.
When attempting to install the Release Automation server on Linux Redhat 6 64-bit with a Microsoft SQL Server database and the SQL JDBC driver sqljdbc4.jar, the Tomcat server is unable to load the driver upon startup.
- Download the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver from http://jtds.sourceforge.net/.
- In the Database Details page, change JDBC Driver Class to net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver.
- Change Database connection string to jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://host:port/database.
- On UNIX/Linux, when running the installer as a user that does not
have permission to write to the log file, installer messages are written to the
console. (DEF241718)
When the Release Automation installer is run on UNIX/Linux as a user that does not have permission to write to the log file, installer messages are written to the console. These may be safely ignored, but deleting the logfile /tmp/serena_ra_agent_install prior to running the installer will prevent them from being displayed.
Example message:
Press 3 to Finish or 5 to Redisplay [3] (Apr 28, 2014 7:09:31 AM), com.installshield.sra_agent.event.InstallScript, msg2, InstallScript.wipeUninstaller
- In the HP QC Query Defects plug-in step, the Match Criteria and
Return Fields fields are not marked as required. (DEF252742)
In the HP Quality Center Query Defects plug-in step, the Match Criteria and Return Fields fields are required, but they are not marked as required in the implementation.
- The QuickTest Pro plug-in fails if the supporting agent is
installed as a Windows service. (DEF252219)
If your agent is installed as a Windows service, and you run a process that uses the QuickTest Pro plug-in step, the step fails when trying to create the ActiveX component. This works fine if you run the agent on the console rather than as a Windows service.
- When using SBM with two-way SSL authentication with the
Release Automation
server and agent installed on the same machine, the agent remains in the
Connected state and an exception appears in the agent's console.
If you run a Release Automation process on JBOSS under SBM, and SBM is installed and configured with two-way SSL authentication with the server and agent installed on the same machine, the agent remains in the Connected state and an exception appears in the agent's console.
To enable communication between an agent and server running on JBoss, you must add /serena_ra/* to the JBOSS exceptions list as follows:
- Navigate to the JBOSS server default conf directory, open the sbm-clientcertssl-accesscontrol.list" file. For example, C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Common\jboss405\server\default\conf\sbm-clientcertssl-accesscontrol.list.
- Add the following string at the end of the file's content: /serena_ra/*
- Save your changes and restart the Release Automation agent.