Predicting Field Values

If Ticket Classification is enabled by your administrator, Work Center can analyze the information that you enter in a Text field (like Title or Description), and then predict appropriate values for other fields according to historical data in the system.

For example, if you enter "Error appears in Animation Pro user interface" as the Title of your work item, and then you click the Predict Field Values button, "User Interface" is automatically selected in the Functional Area field.

To have Work Center predict field values:

  1. Submit a new work item or transition an existing work item. The submit or transition form appears. If a Ticket Classification model has been configured by your administrator for this transition, you will see the Predict Field Values button.
  2. Enter text in the Title, Description, Status Log, or other Text fields on the form as necessary.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Predict Field Values button. Use this option to predict values for all the fields on the form that support prediction.
    • Click the magic wand icon (image) that appears next to a field. Use this option to predict a value for a single field on the form.
    Suggested field values are displayed according to the text you have entered and historical data for similar items in the current application.
    Tip: If the predicted field is normally dependent on a selection made in another field, the field value in the independent field may be changed as a result of the dependent field prediction.

    For example, if your selection in the Build field determines which values are available in the Functional Area field, the Build field value may change when you use the Predict Field Value option on the Functional Area field.

  4. Complete the rest of the form and click OK finish the transition.