Updating Users and Contacts from LDAP

You can update mapped LDAP attributes for all SBM users and contacts at once. You can also limit the number of users you update by product-access type, account status, or by using a search filter to select a set of users, a set of contacts, or a set of users and contacts to update. The update process only updates changed LDAP values in SBM user attribute, resource attribute, and system Contacts table fields.

When you update user records, uniqueness is guaranteed by the login ID and the LDAP UID. When you update Contacts records, uniqueness is determined by the specified equality key.

To update user and contact information from LDAP:

  1. From the Administrator Portal, click Import Users.
  2. Select the Update users from LDAP option.
  3. If you have an import option set containing user and contact import mappings, select it from the LDAP Option Set drop-down list. If you do not have an import option set available, create one using the guidance in LDAP Search Settings.
  4. Click Refresh in the LDAP Attributes Sample Data section until you find an LDAP user or group with attributes that match the users you want to import into SBM.
  5. Select Update Users to update mapped attributes for user accounts, and then select options to limit the updated user accounts based on information in User Update Options.
  6. Select Update Contacts to update mapped attributes for contacts, and then specify a search filter to limit update contact records based on information in Contact Update Options.
  7. Set logging parameters as described in LDAP Logging and E-mail Options.
  8. Decide if temporary passwords should be generated for active users that are imported or updated. This option is useful in the event that the e-mail that contains the user's initial temporary password is sent to the wrong e-mail address or if it is no longer available. Note the following:
    • If your system will not use LDAP authentication after the import is finished, this option helps ensure that users are not created with empty passwords.
    • When this option is selected, an e-mail is automatically sent to each user with the newly-generated temporary password.
    • If new users have not changed their temporary passwords yet, and you are updating users, this option regenerates the temporary passwords for those users as well. The users will still be required to change the password upon initial log in.
    • This option is selected by default.
  9. Scroll up to the top of the page. In the Scheduling section, click Add to create a scheduled update, or click Update Now to begin an update immediately.
  10. Select the Import Log tab to monitor the progress of your import.