CA Nolio Plugin Configuration Details

The Nolio plugin provides functionality for CA Nolio executions. The provider uses Nolio Web services, REST, and HTML to access the Nolio information.

The Nolio plugin Execution Provider is used to select a Nolio action when creating deployment tasks or task templates.

Before you can use the Nolio plugin, an administrator must do the following:

Example Nolio Plugin Configuration

The fields for an example Nolio plugin configuration are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values

A unique name for the plugin configuration

Nolio 5.5.2

A description of the plugin configuration that distinguishes it from other configurations in the list

Sample Nolio Configuration - Requires additional configuration before use.

Execution Properties

Used when adding deployment tasks or task templates

Nolio Url

URL for the Nolio server http://nolioserver:8080/datamanagement/

OpenApiService Url Node

This points to the Nolio Web services, relative to the path in Nolio Url. /ws/OpenAPIService

Rest Url Node

This points to the Nolio Rest services, relative to the path in Nolio Url. /a/api/V4

Nolio Url Process Execution Overview Node

This points to the Nolio process execution overview UI, relative to the path in Nolio Url. This is used as a link in deployment tasks to view the Nolio page where the executions are running. /#/main/studio/process_execution/ applications/@appId/process_tags/ ENV@envId_PROC_TAG@tagId
Nolio Url Deployment Execution Overview Node This points to the Nolio deployment execution overview UI, relative to the path in Nolio Url. This is used as a link in deployment tasks to view the Nolio page where the executions are running. /#/main/deployments@DeploymentRunId? selection=current
Nolio Notification Url The Release Control server location to notify on status completion http://rlcserver:8085/rlc/rest/deploy/autoprocess/notification/NOLIO

User Name

User name to log into Nolio superuser


Password to log into Nolio *****
Version The version of Nolio REST services, which is used to determine the fields available V4
Job State Success The Nolio job state that indicates success FLOW_FINISHED,SUCCEEDED
Job State Paused The Nolio job state that indicates a pause in execution FLOW_FAILED_PAUSED, BLOCKED
Job States Failure List of Nolio job states that indicate failure, delimited by commas. CREATION_FAILED, FILES_DISTRIBUTION_FAILED, FILES_PROPAGATION_FAILED, PRE_FAILED, FLOW_STOPPED, FAILED
Deployment Stages Specify the deployment stages to be executed after deployment is created. If no deployment stage is selected by the user in a Create and Run a Deployment Plan deployment task, all the stages specified here are executed. Initialization, Validation, Deployment, Post-Deployment
Connection Timeout Enter the amount of time in seconds to wait for the connection to Nolio before timing out. The job will fail if this timeout is reached, so make sure to adjust this to a larger amount of time if you have slow connection times to Nolio. 30
Job Polling Timeout Enter the amount of time in seconds to poll for a job status from Nolio before timing out. The job will fail if this timeout is reached, so make sure to adjust this to a larger amount of time if you have long-running jobs. 300
Job Polling Interval Enter the amount of time in seconds to wait before starting to poll for the Nolio job status. 5
Nolio Default Job Name Prefix A default prefix to add to the name of Nolio jobs initiated using this plugin configuration; this can be overridden by entering a job prefix in the deployment task configuration RLC
Execution - Provider Name

A descriptive name of the execution provider

Execution - Provider Description

Description of the provider, which appears as a tooltip in Edit Deployment Tasks when users are adding a deployment task

Nolio 5.5.2 Execution Provider
Provider Types

Provides functionality for executing deployment tasks

Deployment Unit

Provides functionality for linking deployment units

Not Supported

Provides functionality for associating requests

Not Supported
Configuration Information
Configuration ID

Unique identifier of this configuration within the database instance. Read only.

Configuration UUID

Unique global identifier of this configuration. Read only.