Jenkins Plugin Configuration Details

The Jenkins plugin provides functionality for Jenkins executions. The provider uses Jenkins Web services, REST, and HTML to access the Jenkins information.

Before you can use the Jenkins plugin, administrators must do the following:

Example Jenkins Plugin Configuration

The fields for an example Jenkins plugin configuration are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values

A unique name for the plugin configuration

Jenkins Plugin Configuration

A description of the plugin configuration that distinguishes it from other configurations in the list

Jenkins Plugin
Execution Provider Name

A descriptive name of the execution provider

Jenkins Execution Provider
Execution Provider Description

Description of the provider, which appears as a tooltip in Edit Deployment Tasks when users are adding a deployment task

Jenkins Execution Provider

Execution Properties

Used when adding deployment tasks or task templates

Jenkins URL

The URL for the Jenkins Rest services http://MyJenkinsServer:8080

User Name

User name to log into Jenkins


Password to log into Jenkins
Job Filter Limit the search to an existing Jenkins job name
ExecutionId Job Parameter Add this parameter name to generate and store an execution ID and pass it to Jenkins. If it's blank, the Jenkins job's URL is used as the execution ID. RLC_Execution_Id
Wait Complete If this parameter is set to true, the Jenkins post-global Groovy script is used to complete the deployment task when the Jenkins job is finished. Otherwise, the deployment task is completed in the provider immediately or after the URL is received. true
Polling If this parameter is set to true, the following poll parameters will be used. The deployment task will wait while the Jenkins job is started using the job URL. Otherwise, the task will be completed in one of the following ways:
  • In the provider immediately
  • If the Executionid Job Parameter has been set, by using the Jenkins pre-build Groovy script to start the Release Control task from Jenkins
Poll Sleep Time If Polling is set to true, the number of milliseconds to wait before next polling the queue 1000
Max Poll Count If Polling is set to true, the maximum number of times that the queue will be checked for an available build number 15
Provider Types

Provides functionality for executing deployment tasks

Deployment Unit

Provides functionality for linking deployment units

Not Supported

Provides functionality for associating requests

Not Supported
Configuration Information
Configuration ID

Unique identifier of this configuration within the database instance. Read only.

Configuration UUID

Unique global identifier of this configuration. Read only.