Serena® Dimensions® RM
Version 12.1
Release Notes

This file describes the new features and functionality available in the current release of Serena Dimensions RM.

Table of Contents

Part 1: What's New?
Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.1?
Part 3: Special Notes


Part 1: What's New?

1.0 What's New in Dimensions RM 12.1?


Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.1?

2.0 Fixes in 12.1


Part 3: Special Notes

3.0 Apache and IIS Are No Longer Required

4.0 'Delete Baseline' Privilege Is Revoked

Part 1: What's New?

1.0 What's New in Dimensions RM 12.1?

Dimensions RM 12.1 is a major release of RM. It includes enhancements and defect fixes that focus on the following areas:

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Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.1?

2.0 Fixes in 12.1

Consult the following query in the Serena Support knowledgebase for detailed information on what issues have been fixed in Dimensions RM 12.1:

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Part 3: Special Notes

3.0 Apache and IIS Are No Longer Required

IMPORTANT! As of RM 12.1, RM includes and uses Tomcat as its web server, so a third-party web server is no longer required. However, if you wish to avail yourself of the features of a third-party web server, you may implement redirection, in which case both the third-party web server and RM's Tomcat will run. You cannot use a third-party web server in place of RM's Tomcat.

The documentation still contains many references to Apache and IIS, some of which may be useful if you have chosen to run a third-party web server with redirection in addition to RM's Tomcat. However, most of these references have not yet been revised to reflect the presence of Tomcat and the optional nature of having a third-party web server.

4.0 'Delete Baseline' Privilege Is Revoked

As of RM 11.2.2, RM revokes the 'Delete Baseline' privilege for all users/groups that have not been granted this privileges explicitly.

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End Release Notes