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Serena Business Manager 10.1.2 Readme
This readme file contains known issues and other important information for Serena® Business Manager. This file also contains information that might not be available in other SBM documentation. Last updated on 2013-02-05.


About this Release

SBM 10.1.2 is the version that immediately follows SBM All of the features, changes, and fixes that were made in SBM can be found in SBM 10.1.2.

SBM 10.1.2 supports new installations—you do not need to install a previous version of SBM before installing this version. If this is a new installation, download version 10.1.2 from http://www.serena.com/support and then follow the instructions in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide.

SBM supports upgrades from any release after 2009 R1. SBM 10.1.2 supports the following two different upgrade paths:
  • If you have already installed SBM 2009 R3 or later, follow the steps in Minor Upgrades to upgrade to SBM 10.1.2.
  • If you have not yet upgraded to at least 2009 R3, follow the steps in solution S138037 to perform the upgrade to SBM 10.1.2.

SBM 10.1.2 is available in U.S. English only.

Terminology Changes

The following terminology and component name changes have been made since the release of SBM 2009 R4.

Old Term New Term

SBM Application Administrator

SBM Application Repository

Web Administrator

SBM Application Administrator

Manage Data

Auxiliary Data (in SBM Application Administrator)

Notification Server (in the SBM installer)

SBM Mail Services
Terminology changes in earlier releases:
  • For changes made in SBM 2009 R4, refer to the readme.
  • For terminology changes made since TeamTrack 6.6.1, refer to the Moving to Serena® Business Manager guide.

Supported Configurations

The sections below discuss changes in supported software configurations. Detailed information about supported platforms and software configuration is available in the Supported Platform Matrix.

  • Server Operating Systems

    Now supported:

    • Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Data Center Edition
  • Client Operating Systems

    Now supported:

    • Microsoft Windows 8 Professional/Enterprise
  • Database Management Systems

    Now supported:

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP3
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1
    • Oracle
  • Web Browsers

    Now supported:

    • Internet Explorer 10

    No longer supported:

    • Internet Explorer 7.0
  • Web Services

    The latest application Web service calls can be found in the sbmappservices72 WSDL. The latest administrative Web service calls can be found in the sbmadminservices72 WSDL. All TeamTrack Web services and earlier SBM Web services (including ttwebservices, aewebservices70, and aewebservices71) are still compatible with this release. However, these WSDLs have been deprecated and will not contain any of the new calls or parameters found in SBM Web services version 7.2. For new Web service implementations, use SBM Web services version 7.2.

Note: For 64-bit SBM installations, you can install and run Serena License Manager 2.1.5, which is supported natively for 64-bit systems.

Build Numbers

The following component build numbers apply to this version:

  • SBM User Workspace: Build 165
  • SBM Composer : Build 050
  • SBM System Administrator and SBM Application Administrator: Build 165
  • Application Repository: Build 107
  • SBM Configurator:
  • Database version: 1012010144
Note: The 10.1.2 documentation is versioned as follows:
  • English – 10.1.2
  • Japanese – 2009 R4.01 (the translated content applies to version 2009 R4.01)

Third-Party Tools

For third-party software information, refer to:

Third Party Copyrights

Third Party Client Licenses

Third Party Suite Licenses

What's New

The following features have been added in this release.

Time Capture

Users can now record the amount of time they spend working on primary items. Time can be captured on State and Transition forms. A time summary shows the total time captured for a particular item for all users. Time Capture changes are also noted in the Change History section.

This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled at the Base Workflow level in SBM Application Administrator. Once enabled, Time Capture options are available on all quick and custom forms. You can add the Time Capture widget to custom forms in SBM Composer to explicitly place Time Capture options.

Social View

A "social" view has been added to all primary items. This alternative view of item details that enables users to easily collaborate on items. The view includes an item feed and journal log, along with the ability to "follow" an item and see a list of experts.

The Social view is enabled by default, but can be disabled for your system. For details, refer to the SBM Application Administrator Guide.

Improved Create Report Page

The Create Report page in SBM User Workspace has been improved. Users can now view available reports by category, including brief descriptions and sample images for each report type. Users can also search for a report type by name and select the desired report template after previewing a sample image, all from the new launch page.

Scheduled Reports

Users can now schedule reports to run at a particular day and time and have the results e-mailed to them. Users can easily schedule reports to execute and send on a recurring basis by simply selecting a report to run, the frequency it should run, and the exact time it should be executed. Users can add, delete, and manage their own scheduled reports from the User Profile section of SBM User Workspace.

In addition:

  • You can limit the number of items that appear in a scheduled report by changing the Scheduled Report Items setting in the Display options tab in SBM System Administrator.
  • Administrators can allow users to CC scheduled report e-mails to other users and groups with Regular User or Managed Administrator product access by granting the new System privilege CC Scheduled Reports to Other Users.
  • A new scheduled report notification is created for each report that your users schedule. In Application Administrator, you can edit the e-mail template for each scheduled report notification that is created. This means that all users can use the same e-mail template, or you can customize the e-mail template for each scheduled report that your users create.
  • New template tags that are only applicable to scheduled reports e-mail templates have been added. For details on working with scheduled report e-mail templates, see the SBM Application Administrator Guide.

Summary Reports

Summary Reports have been updated to improve usability and functionality. Some of the enhancements include:

  • Ability to expand and collapse the rollup levels to easily control the display of different summary levels.
  • Ability to dynamically modify which summary columns are displayed by using a slider to determine the summary levels to display.
  • Links to display a Listing report of the items at that particular summary level.
  • Ability to display the actual items included under each summary level.
  • Ability to create a Summary Report at the root project level.
  • Ability to report on Time Capture entries.

Custom End-user Help

Solution designers can now provide custom application-specific help to end users. Information added in SBM Composer for workflows, states, transitions, fields, and custom forms appears in the SBM User Workspace as hover help (transitions and fields) or as a help window (workflows, fields, forms, states, and transitions).

The following changes were made to support custom help:
  • Description fields for applications, workflows, states, transitions, forms, and fields are now labeled End-user help text in SBM Composer.
  • Information in the End-user help text setting for each element is visible to end-users. Privileges control users' access to field content, however.
  • The number of allowed characters in End-user help text fields for workflows, states, transitions, and fields has increased from 255 characters to 900.
  • HTML tags included in the End-user help text are rendered in the custom help.
  • Information provided in the Description field for applications now appears as hover text for the Application tab in the SBM User Workspace.
Upgrade Considerations:
  • If you provided descriptions for applications, workflows, states, transitions, and custom forms in SBM Composer before SBM 10.1.2, you should review the information before you upgrade. After the upgrade, it is visible to users.

    You can use the End-user Help icon located on the Home ribbon bar in SBM Composer to search for content in the End-user help text setting.

  • For existing process apps, solution help for custom forms uses the same mechanism as quick forms until you deploy the process apps from SBM Composer.

User Replacement

You can use the new References feature in SBM Application Administrator to view and transfer certain application settings from one user to another. For example, if a user leaves your organization, you can use this feature to transfer User field default values, role assignments, notification subscriptions, and other settings to a different user.

Delegation of Primary Items

The new out-of-office feature allows users to delegate active primary items they own to another user for a specific time period. Administrators can also create out-of-office entries on behalf of users.

Delegation applies to fields defining primary ownership of items. For example, an IT Technician field may be set as the owner in an "Assigned" state. Once the out-of-office entry expires, all delegated items are returned to their original owner, except for those that have moved to another state or to a different owner.

Delegations are recorded in the State Change History and Change History sections for each item.

Notification Channels

Notification Channels enable you to send SBM notifications to your users through different messaging services in addition to standard e-mail. This means you can notify users not only through e-mail, but also through other means such as instant message (IM) like Google Talk, social networks like Twitter, or short message service (SMS). You must register a plugin for these services in SBM Configurator for each channel you want to use. You can modify sample plugins for Twitter or Google Talk that ship with SBM, or you can build your own plugins to use a messaging service of your choice.

New Actions for Notifications

Two new actions have been added to notifications: Run Transition and Run ALF Event.

The new Run Transition action performs a transition as a specific user against the item that triggered the notification. For example, when an item reaches a certain state, you can have the system perform a transition against the item when a notification rule becomes true. The change history will show that the transition was executed by the user that you specified.

The new Run ALF Event action executes an event as a specific user in connection with the item that triggered the notification. For example, you can have the system send an event to the Orchestration Engine, which can then execute an orchestration workflow when a notification rule becomes true. The change history will show that the changes were invoked by the user that you specified.

New Transition Operator for Notification Rules

You can now use the new "Transition" operator in notification rules. The "Transition" operator enables you to send notifications when a certain transition occurs. For example, to send a notification when the Close transition occurs, select the "Transition" operator, the "Is" comparison, and the "Close" transition from the value drop-down list in the notification rule editor.

Web Interface for LDAP Imports

You can also use SBM Application Administrator to import and update user account and Contact record information from a directory using LDAP.

The ability to manage user authentication via LDAP and "auto add" users from LDAP remains in SBM System Administrator.

Active Diagnostics

The Diagnostics tab in SBM Configurator now includes a new Active Diagnostics sub-tab that enables you to implement runtime logging for SBM Application Engine Web Server events that occur. Enabling this active logging does not require you to stop the IIS services. Once you enable active diagnostics by starting the SBM Active Diagnostics service in SBM Configurator (on the server that hosts SBM Common Services), all activities and events that are processed by the SBM Application Engine Web Server are logged, including the end-to-end processing of workflow activities that fire orchestrations. You can send this log to Serena Support for assistance with troubleshooting problems.

Additional Changes

SBM User Workspace Changes

E-mail Changes

  • Navigation and search options have been improved for the Send E-mail dialog box.
  • The E-mail icon is now available next to Multi-User fields in primary and auxiliary items.

Date/Time Widget

Improvements have been made to the calendar pop-up used to populate Date/Time fields on submit, transition, and update forms and search filters for most report types.

Report Changes

New Operator Conditions in Reports Field Specification

Two new operators have been added to the reports Field Specification section in SBM User Workspace: is empty and is not empty. You can use these operators to return items that do not have field values or return items that do. This simplifies report creation because you no longer need to use Advanced SQL to query for empty values.

Elapsed Time and Calculated Fields Changed for Export to Excel

Elapsed time values that are exported to Microsoft Excel appear in hours:minutes:seconds format that excludes calculated days regardless of the display settings in SBM Composer. This is due to a limitation in Excel in which the format does not calculate days. In addition, all calculated field values that are exported to Excel are now represented as date/time values, except for elapsed time values that are negative. These values are represented in text format because Excel does not support negative time values. This means that an exported report might display a combination of date/time and text values in the same column.

Graphical Reports Available for Duration and Trend Reports

Additional graphical report options are now available for the following Duration and Trend reports:

  • Duration reports – Time in State, Average Time to State, Elapsed Time
  • Trend reports – Backlog, Entering a State, Open and Completed, State Activity
Note: The pie chart graphical report type is not supported by the Entering a State report.

Drill-Down Display Options Added to Tabular Trend Report Results

You can now configure drill-down display options for tabular and graphical Trend reports.

Miscellaneous Changes

The Notifications tab in the User Profile has changed. Users can now search for notifications and select the notification channels in which the message should arrive.

Installation and Configuration Changes

SBM Configurator Improvements

  • The Collect Log Files operation now automatically includes a copy of your system's current Configuration Report.
  • SBM Configurator now enables you to change the default password for the JBoss SSL keystore and the SSO keystores and truststores. Changing the default password updates the keystores and certificates with a password of your choice, which improves system security.
  • For servers with IIS 7 or higher installed, you can now set the IIS Maximum request content length using SBM Configurator. This setting limits the size of incoming requests that are processed by IIS. You can increase the maximum size if receive a 404.13 error when you deploy large process apps. The default value is 500 MB.
  • You can now enable throttling for the SBM Application Engine Web services without having to specify an e-mail address in SBM Configurator.
  • You can now configure the From: address in notification and escalation messages to display the e-mail address of the user who performed the transition that triggered the initial notification. This ensures that the message's From: address contains the user that invoked the notification change, and not necessarily just the user who made the last change to the item.

Support for Windows Authentication with SQL Server

SBM now supports Windows authentication for SQL Server databases. Windows Authentication mode enables you to connect to the SBM database using a Microsoft Windows user account instead of a SQL Server user account. In SBM Configurator, select the Windows Authentication check box on the Database Servers tab to enable this feature. For more information, refer to the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide.

Secure JMS Queue

You can now use SBM Configurator to secure access to the Java™ Message Service (JMS) used by SBM Orchestration Engine. SBM Configurator now enables you to specify your own user name and password for the JMS queue.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The SSO Login Application (Federation Server) has been merged with the SSO Security Token Service (STS) into a single SSO Security Server (also known as the Identity Provider (IDP)). This means that the ALFSSOLogin.war and TokenService.war directories have been merged and replaced with a new idp.war directory on the SSO server.
    Important: If you have created custom SSO integrations, you must review all URLs and calls to ensure that they use the new directory names. For example, if your existing integrations call the Security Token Service (STS), you must ensure that the new idp.war directory is used (instead of ALFSSOLogin.war or TokenService.war).

Administrator Changes

SBM Application Administrator Improvements

Navigation Improvements
  • SBM Application Administrator users can now create bookmarks to commonly used features, such as projects, users, and groups. These bookmarks are available in SBM Application Administrator and in the Administration Links folder in the SBM User Workspace. You can now expand and collapse the process app and project trees. When you expand the project tree, all projects assigned to the selected parent project are returned, along with the hierarchy placement and assigned workflow. The hierarchy placement and assigned workflow are also shown in project search results.
  • The name of the page you are currently viewing now appears at the end of the main navigation link.
  • Process apps can now be sorted by name, and project can be sorted by name, project hierarchy, or assigned workflow. This sorting is for viewing purposes in Application Administrator only.
  • The new Items Per Page setting enables you to control the number of items that display on pages that contain long data lists, such as projects, fields, users, groups, and notifications.
  • Project selection is now saved when you grant user and group privileges on the Item, Field, Attach, Note, and Report privileges tabs and when you grant managed administration privileges on the Projects and Fields tabs. This prevents you from having to navigate to a project repeatedly to assign privileges on each tab.
  • Changes to project-based privileges and role assignments for users and groups are now listed in a Changes pane for each editing session. This enables you to save your changes for multiple projects at one time rather than incrementally for each project.
  • The parent project name is now listed after the double periods at the top of the project hierarchy. For example, a root application project may appear as .. (Project Name). In previous releases, only the double periods were shown.
Workflow Migration
  • Certain application workflow settings have been added to SBM Application Administrator. Click the Workflows icon on the Administrator portal to open the Workflows view and access workflows you have privileges to manage.
  • You can now add user and group selections for User, Multi-User, and Multi-Group fields to workflows in SBM Application Administrator. This ensures that user and group selections are available to all projects assigned to the workflow and to sub-workflows. You can enable and disable selections for specific projects and sub-workflows as needed.
  • You can now set default values for User, Multi-User, and Multi-Group fields to workflows in SBM Application Administrator. You can then override these values for these field types in projects and transitions in projects.
  • Transition restrictions have been migrated from projects to workflows. You can now set group restrictions for transitions at the workflow level, making them available to all projects assigned to the workflow and to sub-workflow. You can also view item and role restrictions set in SBM Composer.

Improvements for Notifications

  • The following improvements have been made to the $CHANGES() tag:
    • You can now configure the number of change history entries that appear in an e-mail notification by editing the e-mail template and specifying the desired number of entries in the $CHANGES() tag.
    • If an attachment is added or updated as part of the change, a link to the file attachment now appears in the associated change action as part of the $CHANGES() output.
    • Additionally, you can now apply a CSS style to the $CHANGES() tag to enhance the appearance of the table that is displayed in the e-mail message.
  • You can now display a comma-separated list of users that are subscribed to a notification by adding the $ALLRECIPIENTS() template tag to your notification e-mail templates.
  • You can now display the number of repeated notifications by adding the $REPEATCOUNTER() template tag to your notification e-mail templates.
  • Note: The following option only appears in Application Administrator if Serena Orchestrated Ops is installed.
    In the Add/Edit Notification view, you can now designate the URL extension for item links in notifications. This allows you to include links that direct users to either the traditional User Workspace, Serena Demand Center, or Serena Request Center. For example, if you are using Serena Orchestrated Ops and you want the user to view the item in Serena Demand Center, select the Demand Center link type. Similarly, if you are using Serena Orchestrated Ops and you want the user to view the item in Serena Request Center, select Request Center.
User/Data Import Improvements
  • You can now choose whether newly imported users should receive a confirmation e-mail message that includes initial log-in information. Users must change the temporary password included in the message on their first login attempt.
  • You can now save field mapping settings for data imports from spreadsheets. This enables you to quickly import or update data for specific tables.
  • You can now copy the import log to your clipboard so you can paste it into a separate document. This applies to data and user imports from a spreadsheet in SBM Application Administrator.
Resource Management Improvements
  • Several options have been added for easing the process of adding skills and job functions:
    • When you are adding or editing a resource, you can now add skills and job functions and associate them with the user.
    • A Save and Add Another option has been added to the Skills and Job Functions general pages, enabling you to quickly add multiple skills and job functions at the same time.
    • Levels previously with skills and job functions are now saved and available in the drop-down list. This prevents users from creating multiple or inconsistent levels.
  • You can now view the team assignments for each resource on the Resources view.
  • You can now collapse and expand the team hierarchy on the Teams view.
  • When administrators rename or delete resource teams, they now receive a warning indicating that the team may be assigned to plans in Serena Demand Center and that team allocations should be removed from plans before the team is deleted.
Miscellaneous Improvements
  • The new global Mailboxes view enables you to view and manage mailboxes for all projects in your system.
  • You can now search for application variables in a project.
  • Selected values in multi-selection lists, such as values for Multi-User fields, are now indicated by a check mark.

SBM Application Repository Improvements

  • You can now promote mailboxes and e-mail notification templates. You can specify whether all or none of these new configuration entities are promoted; all e-mail templates in the database are promoted if you choose to promote notification templates.
  • Auxiliary table data can now be excluded from a new snapshot. This can save a considerable amount of time if auxiliary tables are large.

SBM System Administrator Changes

  • Change history records are now created for primary and auxiliary items added or updated using the Import Data Wizard.

SBM Composer Changes

Visual Compare and Merge

  • Differences you do not want to merge can now be dismissed, so you do not have to process them again in subsequent SBM Composer sessions. This is especially useful when you need to perform large or complex comparisons and need to finish the comparison in a later session. You can also easily restore dismissed differences if you change your mind.
  • Differences in the editors for the following additional design elements can now be copied to the open process app:
    • Form
    • Image
    • Application
    • Orchestration
    • Orchestration Workflow
    • Process App
    • AppScript
    • JavaScript
  • You can now move and resize each comparison window and store the arrangement as a custom layout. This is useful when you have multiple monitors, because you can maximize use of the available screen space. For example, you could move the compared process app window to its own screen. The next time you enter comparison mode, you can quickly restore this custom layout. You can also have it automatically applied each time you enter comparison mode, or reset the default layout.

User Interface Changes

  • The Common Views area on the Home tab of the Ribbon has been redesigned to split messages into their respective categories. Two new selections replace the Message List: Validation Results and Activity Log. The Validation Results displays information generated when the process app is validated. The Activity Log displays other information generated when major operations, such as deployment and other repository tasks are performed in SBM Composer.
  • There are new startup behavior options. You can specify whether the Start Page or the most recent process app (or neither) opens when SBM Composer starts. If you do not have Internet access, the startup can be faster if you do not specify the Start Page.

Validation Results

  • You can now dismiss a warning or a class of warnings in the Validation Results after deciding that the warnings can be ignored. The messages remain dismissed in subsequent validations and SBM Composer sessions with the same process app. You can remove these messages from the Validation Results. If you do not remove them, they are crossed out and in a lighter shade so you can ignore them.
  • You can now show only messages that apply to the current editor in the Validation Results.
  • Unnecessary validation warnings have been removed from the Validation Results.

SBM AppScript Validation

  • To optimize performance, the validation only checks those scripts that changed or were added since the process app was last validated.
  • If the error pertains to an included script, the name of the included script is shown in front of the line number in the Validation Output pane. If you double-click the error, the included script opens in a separate tab and the line with the error is highlighted.
  • If the script is in a referenced application, including the Global Application, the script opens in read-only mode. You can click an alert bar at the top of the script editor to open the related process app and edit the script.
  • You can double-click an error in the Validation Output pane to go to its location in the script editor.

Embedded Application Reports

  • Reports defined in SBM Composer can now be used in the Embedded Report widget. These report definitions can be either application reports run against a primary or auxiliary table, or reports of related items based on specific relational fields. Because the report is embedded, a user can view relevant information without having to navigate away from the form. For example, when the Embedded Report widget is based on a relational field, fields in a related item can be displayed in the widget. In a problem management application, if the widget is based on a "Workaround" Multi-Relational field, the widget will display a list of workaround items, including the category, steps, score, and so on for each workaround. The problem specialist can select the appropriate workaround based on the information in the report without having to open the workaround in another window.

    If the report definition is based on a primary table, you can specify the project to query. You can also choose to have fields that are configured with the Query at Runtime search feature to be automatically bound on the Query tab of the widget Property Editor.

Form Design

  • You can now customize the tool bar on custom forms for primary and auxiliary tables. For example, you can remove the Add Item Link item from the Actions drop-down list and instead map that action to a clickable image on the form. You can also make individual actions only available on certain forms, or remove the button bar or action bar entirely.
  • You can now globally specify whether JavaScripts that are included in forms are executed or suppressed during form preview. This option is on the Form tab of the Composer Options dialog box. By default, JavaScripts are enabled, but this setting can be overridden for individual forms in the Form Preview dialog box.
  • For field controls, you can now specify input masks to make it easier for users to enter data in the correct format. For example, with the date input mask, when users click in the text box in the SBM User Workspace, two forward slashes appear. You can select from four preformatted input masks, or define your own using a provided syntax.
  • A new form action can be defined to dynamically prevent a form from being submitted without the need for JavaScript programming.
  • Form action conditions can now be evaluated with OR logical operators. All conditions within a single section will use the logical operator you select; you cannot combine AND and OR logical operators within a single section.
  • The new Grid Style is applied to the REST Grid widget and the relational grid type of Embedded Report widget. You can customize settings, such as the colors users see for selected, highlighted, and alternate rows in the grid in the SBM User Workspace.
  • You can now edit the display text for a field on a form. This allows you to make the label on the form differ from the database table name. This can be useful when you have multiple fields that store the same kind of information (for example, a first name), but that are placed in different sections on a form. The database fields are unique, but their labels can be identical, simplifying the form design.
  • You can now export an image or icon from SBM Composer to the file system of your computer. You can also choose whether the image or icon is displayed in the Form Editor at 100% of its size so you can view details better, or adjusted to fit in the available space.
  • When you use the RESTServiceWrapper JavaScript object to query REST service results without the need to display the REST Grid widget on custom forms, both JSON data and XML (POX) data can now be accepted. For details and descriptions of new parameters, see the SBM JavaScript Library Guide or SBM Composer online Help.
  • In the REST Service Configuration dialog box, the first available array in the data set is selected by default, but you can now select another array if more than one is present. If no arrays are detected, the list includes all potential elements, and at runtime, the user must select the element that will contain repeating data.

Common Log Viewer

  • The maximum length of a Common Log message is now 1,048,576 (1 MB of data). You can specify the maximum length for your system on the Common Log Viewer tab of the Composer Options dialog box.
  • You can now specify whether Common Log messages in the Message Detail dialog box are displayed in plain text, XML, or formatted XML.
  • On the Details tab of the Common Log Viewer, there is a new option that automatically selects the latest run of the process app. The runs are now sorted in descending order, so the newest run is at the top of the Run list, and the run information is more detailed.

Concurrent Development

  • New options ensure that when multiple designers deploy to a shared environment, they are aware of the system behavior, and have the option to get the latest versions of design elements before proceeding. By default, you are now prompted before you publish if there are newer versions of design elements in the SBM Application Repository than in your Local Cache. In the message, you can specify whether the newer versions are published or ignored. These options can be set globally on the Local Cache and Repository Options tab of the Composer Options dialog box.
  • The Process App Version History command on the Composer menu |Repository submenu has been replaced by the Refresh Status All command. This command refreshes the repository status of selected design elements.


  • In application reports, a column can now be narrower than the display text, so the text will wrap in the SBM User Workspace.
  • In App Explorer, you can now view the entire tree of design elements in referenced applications, without opening the process apps containing the applications. The design elements are read-only, but you can click the yellow alert bar at the top of the applicable editor pane to open the related process app and make changes. You can also navigate to an included script from a context menu in the SBM AppScript editor.
  • System fields, which cannot be deleted, now have an indicator to distinguish them from custom fields. There is an optional System column in the table editor, and in the field Property Editor, [System] is appended to the field type.
  • A role name is now limited to 64 characters, to prevent additional characters from being truncated in SBM Application Administrator.
  • In the roles editor, you can now sort privileges alphabetically within a group by clicking the Privileges column header before you click the other column header, or by pressing the Shift key while clicking the group column header. The sorting is remembered in the next SBM Composer session.
  • A red bookmark is now overlaid on the icons for design elements that are locked by design and cannot be modified or deleted. The bookmark appears on such icons in App Explorer, editor panes, lists, and tables.

Orchestration Changes

  • The detection, characterization, and reporting of event handling and orchestration workflow processing is more robust. In SBM Application Repository, the Event Manager Log tab and Event Summary now include additional information about events and workflows, such as their status and last processing time. The status information pertains to the various phases of event and workflow processing, and accurately depicts the correlation of events and workflows. For example, when the event status is EVENT_COMPLETE, the event is mapped to one or more orchestration workflows that all completed successfully.
  • In the purge utility, most parameters are now already supplied with default values, and do not need to be passed at the command line. In addition, the purge.bat file was moved to installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\jboss405\bin.
  • In areas such as the Action Wizard for orchestration actions, the orchestration workflow Property Editor, and App Explorer, icons were added to distinguish asynchronous and synchronous orchestration workflows. In addition, on the General tab of the orchestration workflow Property Editor, "Asynchronous" or "Synchronous" is shown as the orchestration workflow type. If an orchestration workflow is not mapped to an action, a validation warning is generated.
  • When you copy and paste a step in an orchestration workflow, data mappings and other values are now copied with the step.
  • When you copy and paste a working data element on the Data Mapping tab of the Property Editor for an orchestration workflow, the values in the Source elements and Default value columns are now copied with the data element.

Web Services Changes

  • New role management calls have been added. You can now check users and groups for a specific role, return all roles for specified users or groups, and set roles for users and groups. RoleIdentifier, RoleInfo, and RoleHolder types have been added for working with roles.
  • New privilege management calls have been added. You can now check users and groups for a specific privilege, return all privileges for specified users or groups, and set privileges for users and groups. Additionally, new calls have been added that return all privilege types and return privileges by a specified type. PrivilegeKind, GrantState, PrivilegeIdentifier, PrivilegeInfo, and PrivilegeHolder types have been added for working with privileges.
  • A new RunReportXml call has been added. This call enables you to run more reports than the existing RunReport call, which only enables you to run Listing reports. The RunReportXML call enables you to specify a stylesheet in the options parameter to transform the XML result into a report that is similar to what is displayed in SBM User Workspace.

Licensing Changes

  • Occasional users can now be granted privileges to add and edit attachments and notes for items that they submitted or that they own.
  • The LDAP "auto add" feature is now available on systems using all license types. In previous versions of SBM, this feature was only available in systems using seat licenses.

    "Auto add" queries your LDAP directory when a new user attempts to log in to SBM for the first time. If LDAP authentication succeeds, the user is added to SBM, assigned an applicable license (seat or concurrent, depending on your system), and allowed to log in. Any LDAP groups this user belongs to can optionally be created in SBM at this time as well.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The Java Development Kit (JDK) version provided with SBM is now JDK 1.6. Its location is installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\jdk 1.6.

Documentation Changes

  • A new help splash screen has been added to the SBM Application Administrator help system, enabling easier navigation to documentation for major features.
  • The "Purging Orchestration Workflow Data" information was moved from the SBM Application Repository Guide and online Help to the SBM Orchestration Guide and the SBM Composer online Help.
  • In SBM 10.1, the SBM Application Administrator Guide stated that group restrictions for transitions will be deprecated in a future release. This feature will not be deprecated, and the statement has been removed from the document.


This section provides general upgrade information and important notes for all upgrades to SBM 10.1.2. Before you upgrade, review the following sections and proceed with the upgrade according to the version that you currently have installed.

Please refer to prior readmes for a list of features and changes that were added in another version before this release.

Upgrades from the following products and versions are supported in this release. Upgrades are supported from specified major releases and minor releases on those base releases.
  • TeamTrack 6.6.1.x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2009 R1.0x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2009 R2.0x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2009 R3.0x
  • Serena Business Manager 2009 R4.0x
  • Serena Business Manager 10.1
  • Serena Business Manager 10.1.1.X
Tip: If you are using a version of SBM prior to 2009 R1, first upgrade to 2009 R4.0x, and then upgrade to 10.1.2.

New Installations of Serena Business Manager

If this is a new installation, download version 10.1.2 from http://www.serena.com/support and then follow the instructions in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide to install Serena Business Manager.

Upgrading From Tracker

There are two methods for migrating from Tracker to SBM. For more information on migrating your Tracker data to SBM, refer to the "Migrating Tracker Data to SBM" solution (S138468).

Note: Serena Business Manager is now supported on the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008; however, the Tracker migration utility is not available in the 64-bit version of the SBM System Administrator. Therefore, if you plan to run SBM on a 64-bit version of Windows 2008, you must first use the 32-bit version of SBM System Administrator on Windows 2003 or 2008 SP2 to migrate your Tracker data and then install SBM on your 64-bit server and connect it to your SBM database.

Upgrading From TeamTrack 6.6.1.x

If you have TeamTrack 6.6.1.x installed, download version 10.1.2 from http://www.serena.com/support, and then follow the instructions in Moving to Serena® Business Manager. This guide only covers upgrades from TeamTrack.

Note: This version requires a database upgrade. Back up your existing database before installing this version.

You should also refer to solution S137372 to learn about the upgrade preparation utility.

Upgrading From Earlier Versions of SBM

To test this release, you must mimic your installation on a separate set of hardware. This test installation should include all environments used by your system. You can then upgrade and test this installation before upgrading your production installation. To upgrade successfully, SBM 10.1.2 must be installed on each server and client machine.

This release supports both major and minor upgrades:

Important Notes for Major and Minor Upgrades

The following notes apply to both major and minor upgrades:
  • SBM Configurator warns you if your installation currently uses default certificates (which should be replaced) or if your current certificates will expire soon.
    Important: To properly secure your installation, you must generate new key pairs even if you do not plan to use SSO. If you do not generate new key pairs, then the default certificates that the STS inherently trusts are used. To increase security, launch SBM Configurator and generate new unique certificate for all components. For details, see "Securing SBM" in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • As 10.1.2, the SSO Login Application (Federation Server) has been merged with the SSO Security Token Service (STS) into a single SSO Security Server (also known as the Identity Provider (IDP)). This means that the ALFSSOLogin.war and TokenService.war directories have been merged and replaced with a new idp.war directory on the SSO server.
    Important: If you have created custom SSO integrations, you must review all URLs and calls to ensure that they use the new directory names. For example, if your existing integrations call the Security Token Service (STS), you must ensure that the new idp.war directory is used (instead of ALFSSOLogin.war or TokenService.war).
    The endpoints of the SSO services must be changed accordingly. The relative URIs will stay the same, but since the application is new, the login application entry point will be:
    For the STS, it will be:
  • You must have one instance of SSO installed in order to have a functional instance of SBM, regardless if you plan to enable SSO or not. The SBM upgrade does not install missing components; therefore, if SSO is not currently installed, you must run the installer, perform an uninstall, and then reinstall SBM with SSO included. In a distributed installation, choose a server to host SSO, and then perform the uninstall and reinstall on that machine.
  • For Oracle systems, the required roles and privileges for the SBM schema user have changed. Please visit S133641 for details.
  • You must ensure that all of the SBM components are installed on one or more servers prior to upgrading. This includes SSO and SBM Common Services. You can choose to enable or disable SSO once it is installed; however you still must install the SSO component for SBM to function properly.
  • You must disable the User Access Control (UAC) setting before you install SBM on Windows 2008 or 2008 R2. To disable this setting, perform the following steps:
    1. From the Windows Start menu, open the Control Panel and select User Accounts.
    2. Turn off UAC:
      • On Windows 2008, open the User Accounts window, click Turn User Account Control on or off and clear the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer check box.
      • On Windows 2008 R2, click Change User Account Control settings, and move the slider to the Never notify position.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Reboot the server and perform the install.

    After the installation is finished, you can enable UAC; however, you must disable it again if you attempt to uninstall SBM.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 must be installed on all Windows machines. If it is not detected, .Net Framework 3.5.1 is installed by SBM. To save download and installation time, you may want to install version 3.5.1 prior to running the SBM installer. Also, if you will not have Internet access during the installation, you should download and install 3.5.1 beforehand.
    Note: Microsoft .NET framework 3.5.1 is not installed by the suite installer on Windows 2008 R2 servers if version 3.5.1 is not detected on the server. To work around this issue, navigate to the Control Panel, select Programs and Features, select Turn Windows features on or off, and install .NET 3.5.1 from the Features list.
  • On Windows 2003 systems, the SBM installer requires Windows Installer 4.5 in order to install SQL Express without a system restart. (This is not a requirement if you are not installing SQL Express). If you do not pre-install Windows Installer 4.5, the SBM installer performs the install for you and prompts you to restart the system after you select the option to install SQL Express. When the system restart is finished, you must begin the installation again starting from the Welcome dialog. Therefore, to avoid an unscheduled system restart, download and install Windows Installer 4.5 from Microsoft, restart your server, and then install SBM. To determine if version 4.5 is already installed, open the command line and enter the following:
    msiexec -?
  • If you are connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database, you must select the 2008 SQL Server Native Client driver. The SQL Server ODBC driver is not compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
  • If you upgrade to Windows 2008 in addition to upgrading SBM, you must enable the Web Server (IIS) role before you install SBM Application Engine. If the Web Server (IIS) role is not already configured on your Windows 2008 server, see the "Enabling the Web Server (IIS) Role in Windows 2008 Server" section in the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide for steps to enable the role.
    Note: SBM requires Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) on Windows 2008 systems (IPv6 alone will not work). Both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols can be enabled simultaneously on Windows 2008; however, SBM requires at least IPv4 on each Windows 2008 server in your SBM environment.
  • Upgrade support for migrating to a 64-bit version of SBM is handled through a new suite installation on one or more 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 servers. You can either perform a Custom install that installs one or more SBM components on multiple 64-bit operating systems or you can perform a Complete install, which installs every component on a single 64-bit server. You can still perform Remote Administration tasks or connect directly to the database via ODBC using 32-bit clients.

    You can use the SBM System Administrator that is installed by the suite installer on a 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 server to upgrade the database. As part of the upgrade, review and upgrade any scripts and APIs that were originally created on a 32-bit operating system to ensure that they also run on a 64-bit system. For example, if you have any scripts that load .dll files, those dll files must be upgraded to run on a 64-bit machine.

    The hardware requirements for SBM running on a Windows 2008 R2 64-bit operating system are as follows. The memory requirements are greater than those for a 32-bit operating system.

    • Recommended Requirements – 2 GHz or higher multi-processors; 16 GB memory; 10 GB operational disk space.
    • Minimum Requirements – 800 MHz or higher single processor; 8 GB memory; 2.5 GB operational disk space.
  • For Oracle systems, you must perform the database upgrade using either the Mashup2009 DSN that is installed with SBM or a system DSN that uses the "Oracle for SBM" driver that is installed with SBM. As part of the upgrade, the existing Mashup2009 DSN is automatically converted to use the new "Oracle for SBM" driver. If you attempt to use a DSN other than the Mashup2009 DSN provided by SBM, the SBM System Administrator prompts you to either use the Mashup2009 DSN or to modify or create a DSN that uses the "Oracle for SBM" driver.
    Important: The underlying driver used in the "Oracle for SBM" DSN that ships with SBM has changed in SBM as of version 10.1. If you currently use the Mashup2009 DSN with SBM, you do not need to do anything. If you created your own custom DSN with the "Oracle for SBM" driver prior to upgrading to SBM 10.1 or later, then you must recreate the DSN and use the new "Oracle for SBM" driver that ships with SBM after the upgrade is finished.

    If you previously designated a SID for Oracle, then that SID is automatically used in the Service name field in SBM Configurator. Verify with your DBA that the correct service name is now used in the Database Servers tab of SBM Configurator.

  • For existing multi-environment installations (the development, test, and productions servers that you plan to upgrade), you can create new databases to host Common Log data for each environment.

    For example, you can back up your current Common Log database on your production server and restore it to a new space on your development database server. Once the data has been restored in the development database, purge the existing Common Log database space on the production database server and create a new database space for your test server (this results in two blank databases--one for test and one for production). Run SBM Configurator on the test and development SBM servers and update the Database Servers tab with the database connection information for the two new unique Common Log databases.

    This ensures that you have unique databases for the Common Log in each environment and it also moves your existing Common Log data from the previous production space into the new development space.

  • States, transitions, and projects now have unique internal names that make it possible to unambiguously refer to them in a Web service, AppScript, or API call. (This enables you to change the display name of the state or transition and not interfere with any of these references). Note the following:
    • The internal state and transition names are derived from the internal name of their defining workflows. These internal values are set when you open a process app in SBM Composer for the first time after upgrading to SBM 10.1 or later versions.
    • You can change the new default internal names for states and transitions at any time before the process app is published for the first time in SBM 10.1 or later versions. Once the process app is published, the internal names cannot be changed.
    • The internal names for existing projects are automatically created upon upgrade to SBM 10.1 or later versions. When you create new projects in the Application Administrator in versions after 10.1, SBM automatically creates the internal project name for you.
      Note: During promotion, if the internal project name clashes with an existing internal project name, the internal name in the target database is affected in one of two ways:
      • For new projects that are added during promotion, when a conflict occurs, the project name in the target database will be a blank or empty string.
      • For existing projects that are updated during promotion, when a conflict occurs, the project name in the target database remains unchanged. If the internal name in the incoming XML does not conflict with the internal name in the target database, then the promoted project's internal name is used.
  • The Java Notification Server does not support the MAPI standard. For upgrading customers formerly using MAPI with the Notification Server, you can now connect to your Microsoft Exchange server using the Exchange e-mail server type in SBM Configurator. The Exchange option enables SBM to communicate with your Microsoft Exchange server using the MS Exchange Web services API.

    For customers currently using MAPI, perform the following steps to configure the Notification Server to connect using MS Exchange:

    1. Run the SBM Configurator on each server where the Notification Server is installed.
    2. In the Mail Services tab, select the Notification Server tab.
    3. In the E-Mail Server Type drop-down list, select Exchange.
    4. Enter your current Exchange server version, connection URL, and system user credentials.

    You might use the Exchange option if your company does not allow connection through SMTP. The Exchange protocol is also available for use with the Mail Client in the event your company does not allow connection through POP3 or IMAP. If no such restrictions exists, consider choosing SMTP for the Notification Server and POP3 for the Mail Client because they enable faster connection speeds than MS Exchange.

  • In SBM 2009 R4, application icons were introduced. You could specify an icon in the application editor in SBM Composer, and the icon appeared on the application tabs in the SBM User Workspace. If you did not specify an icon, a default red icon was automatically used. As of SBM 10.1, the red icon is no longer the default; instead no icon is used if you do not specify one.
    • If you are upgrading from a release earlier than SBM 2009 R4, you will see no change; no icon will appear on the application tab.
    • If you are upgrading from SBM 2009 R4 or later, and changed the default red icon to something else, you will see no change; your icon will still appear on the application tab.
    • If you are upgrading from SBM 2009 R4 or later, and kept the default red icon, you will no longer see the icon; the application tab will be blank. If you want to restore the red icon, you can select it from the list that opens when you select "New image..." from the drop-down list in the application editor in SBM Composer. Redeploy your process app after making this change.
  • Security Tokens are now generated for authenticated users regardless of the log in method you choose in SBM. Note the following behavior for upgrades from releases prior to 10.1:
    • If SSO was enabled in a prior release, after the upgrade to 10.1.2, deployed apps will use Security Tokens automatically without having to be redeployed.
    • If SSO was disabled in a prior release, after the upgrade to 10.1.2, deployed apps will not use Security Token authentication unless they are redeployed (even if SSO is enabled after the upgrade).
  • The following information only applies to SBM systems in which external events were used with orchestration workflows and SSO was not used:
    • With the use of security tokens for all communication with SBM components regardless of authentication method, it is now necessary to provide credentials in the User element of external events that are processed by the Event Manager. Credentials must be supplied in order to receive a security token.
    • Previous SBM releases allowed anonymous events if SSO was disabled. As of SBM 10.1, security tokens are used in all underlying communication. As part of the upgrade process, in order to still accept external events without credentials, the Event Manager is automatically configured to continue to accept external events without authentication credentials. If SSO was enabled prior to upgrade, then it is assumed that external events always included credentials and will continue to do so in your environment.
      Important: If you are currently using external events without SSO, it is strongly recommended that you adjust the source of those external events to now include credentials. Once you adjust the external source to include a credential, you can then manually override the Event Manager settings by setting the no_authentication parameter to “false” in the alf.properties file. For configuration instructions, see solution S138463.
    • After upgrading, the no_authentication setting is independent of the SSO setting. If you are performing a new installation, you can override the default behavior for the Event Manager and enable it to accept external events without credentials. For configuration instructions, see solution S138463.
    • For SBM Application Engine Web services, the SBM Application Engine auth still overrides the security token auth. In some cases, this is useful in day-to-day operations and may be useful if you are upgrading from versions prior to 10.1. For example, orchestration workflows that contain coded auth for the SBM Application Engine service calls will continue to work if the external event is changed to send a credential; the coded auth will override the security token and continue work as it did prior to upgrade.
  • User credentials in SBM Application Engine Web service calls that use Basic authentication are now handled exclusively by SBM Application Engine itself, instead of IIS. This configuration is common if your SBM system is set up with NT Challenge Response for end-user authentication. After upgrade, this means that you must now specify the Windows domain for Web service calls in SBM System Administrator, otherwise the domain that the IIS server machine is installed on is used for user validation.
    As part of the upgrade, SBM Configurator should perform the following steps for you automatically to accommodate this new requirement. However, for systems that use NT Challenge Response authentication that have an authentication override set in SBM System Administrator, you must perform the following steps manually:
    1. In IIS, copy or take note of the current domain that you have set for Basic Authentication on the GSOAP directory.
    2. Clear Basic Authentication from the GSOAP directory and only specify Anonymous Access or Anonymous Authentication. (In previous versions of SBM, you had to specify Basic Authentication on the IIS GSOAP directory and provide the domain there).
    3. From the Options menu in the SBM System Administrator, select Settings or click the Settings icon on the toolbar. The Settings – Server tab opens.
    4. Paste or enter the correct Windows domain in the Default domain for web services field.
  • If your database does not contain at least one Regular User or Managed Administrator account with Remote Administration privilege, the Reset Administrative User Access Wizard appears immediately after the database upgrade is finished. You use this wizard to define at least one user as your primary system administrator (an account that has Regular User or Managed Administrator product access with Remote Administration privilege). Once the wizard is finished, you should be able to log in to SBM Application Administrator using the user account that you specified in the wizard. For details, see the SBM System Administrator Guide.
  • Note: The following information is only applicable if you had previously upgraded to 10.1 or If you did not upgrade to either version prior to upgrading to 10.1.2, then you can ignore the following information.
    Values in promotion profiles that were created in 10.1 or were set to All by default. As of, entities for new items (items added to a process app since the profile was created) will be set to None by default.
    In addition:
    • Profiles created prior to 10.1 that had entities set to None may have been incorrectly using All. These entities will be set back to None.
    • Profiles created in 10.1 or that had entities set to the default All may also be set to None. These entities must be manually corrected.
    In general, it is recommended that you review your promotion profiles and adjust the settings accordingly.
  • Prior to 10.1.2, renaming an orchestration in SBM Composer and then redeploying the process app would leave the originally deployed orchestration event map in place while also deploying a new event map with the new name. The original event map was still associated with its events, so events associated with the orchestration would cause both the original event map to run the orchestration workflows and the new event map to run the orchestration workflows. This problem could reoccur on each new deployment. Generally, the behavior was that an orchestration workflow would appear to run twice or more simultaneously, where it was only expected to run once (although other unexpected behavior was also possible).

    This problem is fixed in 10.1.2 for deployments of new process apps, and an upgrade is provided that as far as is possible, fixes existing deployments by removing any duplicates. For systems installed prior to SBM 10.1, certain cases of existing deployments cannot be automatically upgraded and will still be prone to this renaming issue. Mostly, these cases can be addressed by redeploying the currently deployed process apps.

    Note: If you suspect duplicated event dispatches after upgrade, contact Serena Customer Support for assistance.

Minor Upgrades

This section provides important notes and upgrade instructions for upgrades to SBM 10.1.2 from version 2009 R3 and later.

Before you upgrade, review the information above in addition to the following topics:

Pre-upgrade Steps

Follow these steps before beginning the upgrade:

  1. Verify that SBM 2009 R3 or later is installed on your system by opening the "About" box in the Web interface. You can also view the current version of each component in the System Information tab of the SBM Configurator.
  2. Back up your existing database before installing this version.
  3. Back up the SBM installation directory structure on your Application Engine Web server machine.
  4. Download the release from support.serena.com.

Server Installation

Note that you must replace all client and server components for all environments. To upgrade to this release on all server machines:
  1. Extract the server installation files.
  2. On the server machine for each server component, launch the suite executable. An installer message prompts you to confirm that you are upgrading your system. Click Next to continue.
  3. The Upgrade Summary dialog box appears and summarizes the components that are currently installed on the server and ready for upgrade. The current installation directory that will be upgraded is noted as well.

    As of SBM 10.1, the Notification Server and Mail Client are powered by Serena Common JBoss and installed independently from the SBM Application Engine component. For upgrades from versions prior to 10.1, the option to install the new SBM Mail Services (which contains the Notification Server and Mail Client) is selected by default (except on servers that host only the SBM Application Engine and no other components; in that scenario, you must manually select the SBM Mail Services check box to install the Notification Server and Mail Client because the installation of these components now includes the Serena Common JBoss service, which consumes additional resources on the server).

    Before you install the SBM Mail Services, review the following installation considerations:

    • For your production environment, if you have a high volume of Notification Server and Mail Client activity, you can now add additional instances of the SBM Mail Services. Installing multiple instances not only provides failover in case one of the servers shuts down; it also improves the overall performance of notification handling because the processing load is distributed across multiple servers.
    • For installations with over 1000 users or heavy orchestration usage, consider installing the SBM Mail Services on a dedicated server without any other SBM components. If you install the SBM Mail Services separately, you must enter the SBM Application Engine host name and port in SBM Configurator after the installation. This enables the Notification Server and Mail Client to communicate with the SBM Application Engine.
    • For multi-environment installations that include separate SBM Application Engine installations for test, staging, and production environments, install the SBM Mail Services at least once in each environment.

    After you have reviewed the components that are currently installed and decided whether or not to install the SBM Mail Services, click Upgrade Now to proceed.

    Note: For minor upgrades, if you want to uninstall existing components or install new components other than the SBM Mail Services, you must use the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility to completely uninstall SBM and then perform a Custom install using the suite installer again (which performs a clean install). This process does not upgrade the current installation. It is recommended that you back up your existing SBM installation directory before you uninstall and reinstall with different component selections. Once the desired components are installed, continue to the next step and reconfigure your installation using SBM Configurator.
  4. At the end of the installation process, click Configure to launch SBM Configurator. You must complete the SBM Configurator wizard before you can access SBM.
    Note: If you are prompted to restart your server, SBM Configurator launches automatically once the server has restarted. (On Windows 2008 systems, you must launch SBM Configurator manually once the server has restarted). If you decline to restart the server at this time, you will not be able to run SBM Configurator until the server has restarted.
    When you launch SBM Configurator, it detects that you are upgrading your system and it upgrades the file system by merging existing configurations from your previous installation into the new installation files. After SBM Configurator is finished upgrading your file system, you can run it anytime thereafter to verify or modify your configuration settings as needed. Guidance is available by clicking the Help buttons throughout the wizard.
  5. Launch the SBM System Administrator and upgrade the SBM Application Engine database. If you use multiple environments, you must perform this step for each database in each environment.
    Tip: Plan ample time for the database upgrade to complete. When the upgrade finishes successfully, a message appears that directs you to the upgrade log.
  6. Review the database upgrade log file in the Log folder of the installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine directory and correct any problems that occurred during the upgrade. If the log file is empty, no errors or warnings occurred during upgrade.
  7. Merge custom modifications to HTML templates, e-mail templates, and Web interface online help files made to your upgraded files. Backup templates are stored in a backup folder in the installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\Backup<version>-<date>-<time> directory.
    Note: See solution S139489 for a list of configuration Files, Web Interface templates, JavaScript files, and strings that have changed in this release. You must manually merge some of your existing SSO customizations into the newly installed files after you upgrade your software and database.

    If you previously used a custom HTML template for your reports, the reports might not display properly after upgrade. Therefore, consider using the default template or modifying it as needed. For example, as of SBM 10.1.2, several changes were made to Summary Reports that might not display properly using a custom template from a prior release. Instead, either use the new default template or merge your customizations into the default template to create a new custom template.

    Important: If you installed the TT4ZMF integration prior to upgrading, you must follow the instructions in the TT4ZMF readme to reinstall the integration after the SBM upgrade is complete.
  8. If you performed the previous step, open SBM System Administrator, select File, and then select Put Files in Database. ALL templates and images in the database are replaced by files on your local machine.
  9. In SBM Configurator, verify that these services are started in the Manage Services tab: SBM Application Engine Web server (Internet Information Services - IIS), Serena Common JBoss, Notification Server, and Mail Client.
  10. Instruct all SBM Composer users to install the client tools using the instructions in the following section (Client Installation).
  11. Instruct SBM User Workspace and SBM Application Repository users to clear the cache in their Web browsers.

Client Installation

The client executable contains SBM Composer and is intended to be run only on client machines.

Previous versions of SBM System Administrator are automatically uninstalled as part of the upgrade (administrative duties are now performed using SBM Application Administrator). Previous versions of SBM Composer are upgraded automatically and do not need to be uninstalled prior to upgrading. The new versions are installed in the same location as the old versions.

To upgrade SBM Composer:

  1. Download the client installer from support.serena.com.
  2. Launch the installer by double-clicking the file.
  3. Click Next on the Welcome dialog box.
  4. Click Install to upgrade the current client installation.

Fixed Issues

A list of defects fixed in this version can be found in the Knowledge Base. You must have a Serena.com user account to view items in the Knowledge Base. Register for a free account if you do not have already have one.

Beginning in SBM 10.1, user accounts are managed in SBM Application Administrator rather than in SBM System Administrator. SBM Application Administrator, which requires a connection to the SBM Web server, is not available if the number of users in your system exceeds the number of installed seat licenses.

If you receive a seat license error in a version earlier than SBM, contact Customer Support for assistance is resolving the issue. If you have SBM or later installed, the Users tab in the SBM System Administrator is enabled automatically if you encounter this problem. Open SBM System Administrator and delete or modify user accounts so that they are in compliance with their seat licenses. (If you encounter this problem and the SBM System Administrator is already open, you need to close it and reopen it for the Users tab to appear.) Once you resolve user accounts, the Users tab is not visible the next time you open the SBM System Administrator.

Known Issues

For a complete list of known issues and potential workarounds, refer to the Knowledge Base.

Administrator Issues

  • Note: The following issue is only applicable if you had previously upgraded to 10.1 or If you did not use either version prior to upgrading to 10.1.2, then you can ignore the following information.
    Values in promotion profiles that were created in 10.1 or were set to All by default. Starting with, entities for new items (items added to a process app since the profile was created) will be set to None by default.
    In addition:
    • Profiles created prior to 10.1 that had entities set to None may have been incorrectly using All. These entities will be set back to None.
    • Profiles created in 10.1 or that had entities set to the default All may also be set to None. These entities must be manually corrected.
    In general, it is recommended that you review your promotion profiles and adjust the settings accordingly.
  • When you import users from a spreadsheet in SBM Application Administrator, you can choose to send newly imported users an e-mail message that contains their login information, including an initial password. If you choose not to send this e-mail message, you must manually change passwords and provide them to users before they can log in.

SBM User Workspace Issues

  • Users who send e-mail messages from transition forms cannot search for recipients. To work around this problem, send e-mail messages from state forms.
  • Time Capture entries are not visible on print forms.
  • Summary reports incorrectly show 0.00 hours as values for numeric fields used in calculations. This problem only occurs when the Show Items check box is selected in the report, and only for items rows. Roll-up calculations display correctly.
  • SQL Server 2005 databases limit Time Capture reporting functionality to maximum, minimum, and sum calculations. This is due to a limitation in SQL Server 2005 (described here). Additionally, the count column is disabled in the report results (appearing as 0 in reports exported to Excel), and the average time spent option is disabled in the report definition. These limitations are not present if you use SQL Server 2008.
  • A report's search filter is not preserved after promotion if the filter contains a sub-relational field that has been deleted from the process app. To work around this problem, recreate the search filter without the sub-relational field, update the snapshot, and promote the app again.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Issues

  • The Use HTTPS for SSO Login option in SBM Configurator that secures the Single Sign-On (SSO) login page is not compatible with Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) unless the application is also secured via SSL because IE9 does not accept mixed content. This means that you cannot only secure the Single Sign-On (SSO) login page without also securing the application behind the Single Sign-On (SSO) gatekeeper. To work around this problem, either use a different supported browser instead of IE9, disable the Use HTTPS for SSO Login option in SBM Configurator, or leave it enabled but secure IIS and JBoss via SSL.

SBM Composer Issues

  • The PDF widget does not work from outside a firewall if the Application Engine server is set up to have an internal and unique external address.
  • The WidgetBox widget has been deprecated and removed from the Form Palette. Existing WidgetBox widgets will continue to work. If a new WidgetBox widget is needed on a form, you can paste the JavaScript code into an HTML/Javascript widget.

Orchestration Issues

  • If a Service step in an orchestration workflow maps to a dynamic endpoint (that is, the URL for the endpoint is defined in the step properties), the workflow can fail because it cannot find the Web service. To work around this problem, copy the orchestration workflow and in the new "dummy" workflow, remove the dynamic mapping. The presence of this dummy workflow will allow the lookup service to find the Web service in the problematic workflow.